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Dallas pov.

It was lunch and we all were under the tree. They were studying and I laughed. The bell rang and we want to class. I sat down and the teacher handed out the test. Everyone except me were confused. They took the test and handed it to him. He looked at me and I walked up. I took them and started to grade them. I finished and handed them back to him. He told me to go to other math classes. I nodded and went to the other classes. I got to the last class and seen the Team. They finished it and handed it to the teacher. She looked at me and I took them. I graded them and they got all the questions right. I handed her the papers and walked back to my class. I sat down and class ended. I walked out and the Team, Liberty,and I were about to walk out of school when I heard the teachers clear their throuts. We gulped and turned around. My teacher pointed to his room. We sighed and walked in. We sat down and Seto and I were in front.

Ellis: How did you all get a 100% on the tests?
Seto: We already knew what the test was.
Swain: Really? I have you guys for class and only Seto gets hundreds on his tests when the others get a lower grade.
Dallas: The reason why Seto always get hundreds is because we do math that isn't in our grade.
Seto: It's true. Give us a test if you like.

They made two tests and handed it to Seto and I. We finished them and gave it back. They graded it and looked at us shocked.

John: How?
Seto: We studied.
Dallas: We practice all upper grade subjects.
Ellis: You guys can go now.

We nodded and walked out of school. I was taking Liberty home but the guys took us to their place. We got their and went into the living room. Seto and I sat across from them.

Sky: Is what all you guys said true?
Seto: Yes.
Ty: How long have you guys known each other?

We just stayed silent. We just look at them. We stand up and go make dinner. It finishes and we call the others in. The walk in and we eat.

Sky: How long have you guys known each other?
Seto: What do you mean?
Dallas: We just met when i arrived at the school.
Ty: You have to of known each other before. You guys get along really well and not to mention there Seto knew that nickname that only your friend knew.
Mitch: Also when you mentioned you and your friend had great knowledge the only person that we knew in the school that had that was Seto.
Sky: So how long have you known each other?
Dallas: Long time.
Seto: I moved here and before I did I was friends with Dallas and when I moved I didn't see her since but now she's here.
Dallas: That's how we know each other.

They all did a oh face. We finished eating and I did the dishes. I took Liberty home and went to mine. I slept and got up. I did the usual. We walked to school and went to our classes. It was time for lunch and Sam and his group came over. I growled and looked at him.

Dallas: What?!
Sam: Please hang out with is after school.
Dallas: I said no and no means no! Stop asking!

One of the people came up to me but I beat the crap out of him. I did that to the others until Sam was left.

Dallas: I gave you a warning yesterday but you still do it. You now will feel what they are.

I was about to hurt him when I felt someone hold me back. I seen Seto. I calmed down and the boys got up and walked away.

Dallas: I'm trying so hard not to use it.
Seto: I know. Want to sit with us?
Dallas: Sure.

I grab my stuff and go with him. We sit down and I lean my head against the table.

Mitch: You beat the crap out of them.
Dallas: I know. They won't leave me alone.
Ty: Why was he bugging you in the first place?
Dallas: He wants to hang out later but I keep refusing. I would have beat the crap out of Sam if Seto didn't stop me.
Seto: Yep. You guys now know not to bug the crap out of her.
Speaker: Dallas Springer and Seto Spells please come to the office.

Bullied by Team CraftedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora