You're The One (6)

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Sorry for the late update

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Jandee's POV

"What could've happened to Sehun?" I ask myself ~riinngg~ I took my phone and saw Kai's name "Why on earth is Kai calling?!"

(((On the phone)))


"Hi Jandee!! How are you today?"

'Why is he bothering me?!! ' (-_-)

"I'm fine.."

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, I'm alright"

"Hey Jandee I have a good news for you!!"

"Don't shout.. What is your good news?"

"Eunji and I.. are.."

His voice is shaky

"Will you talk straight.. Are you nervous or scared?"

"No.. I'm just excited"

'This conversation is probably gonna take an hour ' (T^T)

"Tell me your good news"

"Eunji and I are......... DATING!!"

WHAT?! (O.O)

"What?! Are you serious?!"


F*ck 'What if Sehun finds this out? '

"Uhh.. You and Eunji should stop dating"

"Why? Aren't you happy?"

"Maybe?.. But you two should probably stop dating"

"Tell me why.."

I'm so stress.. How will I explain it??

I'm in so much in trouble!!

"Uhh.. Because --"

He cut me

"Stop it!! I don't want to hear it because I know you're just gonna hurt me *sniff *"

"No! Kai please listen to me"

"What kind of a friend are you?"

"Wait plea-- *toot toot *"

He hang up 'Dang it!! '

I can't believe I hurt  him, I didn't mean to hurt his feelings, it's just.. Ugh, Whatever!!


"Hey Jandee wake up" Someone is shaking me. I keep opening my eyes but I'm too tired "Wake up!!" Finally I opened my eyes 'Who are you? ' "Hey, don't be scared young lady" "Who are you?" I ask HIM "I'm a stranger" "Why are you here in my hospital room?" "Well.." He covers my mouth with a hankerchief "Don't try to scream or shout" He said. I pull his hand "What the nuts?! How can I suppose to scream if you are covering my mouth!! STUPID!!" He covers my mouth again..


I collapsed

Sehun's POV

"What could've happened to Jandee? I miss her already.." I didn't notice that a tear escaped through my eye ~knock knock~ I quickly wipe my tear "Uhh.. Sehun.. Can I come in?" The person said "Sure.." The door is begin to open "Jandee?.." I saw my mom "Oh.. Hey mom" 'I thought it was Jandee..' "Hey son" She suddenly hugged me "I miss you Sehun" "Mom, will you stop crying.. You're just hours away and then you missed me already?" I broke the hug "Hehe.. I'm sorry" "It's okay mom" I took the clothes that mom brought "Uhh.. Mom, I need some privacy please" "Oh.. Sure son" She walks out. I change my clothes "Mom, you can enter the room now!!" She steps in the hospital room and we enjoy together as a Loving mom and a humble son

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What could've happened to Jandee? Find out

To be continued..

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