Flowers Upon A Beautiful Smile

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     The crisp autumn air summoned a reminder of his approaching death. The fallen leaves from the nearby tree crunched beneath his feet as he steadily walked to the theater. Within each step he felt his heart beating faster and faster, slowly rising to his throat. As each person passed him, he felt their watchful eyes. He hadn't been anywhere near civilization in years. As he rounded the corner he could see the building, people made their way in slowly and soon he joined the crowd. He held flowers in his hands, as if they were his only child.

     A beard covered his face, within the hole between his hair and his beard poked his eyes and nose. Bags hung from his sunken eyes, his nose was like a mountain that protruded from the sad dark lake. The light pushed itself into his eyes, changing them magically from brown to green. As he grew close to the door he thought about how she would always tell him when his eyes were green, he remembered how every time she stared into his changing eyes he stared right back and felt like he was home. He was short, and just a little bit heavy set. His clothes sat on him like they hadn't in years. They were clean and they did not sag nor did they cling.

     As he walked into the doors of the theater he felt the cool air hit him, as if it were a breeze from the park they had always visited. The walk to the building felt oddly reminiscent of those days he would drive out just to see her. He situated himself into a seat after drifting through the slow moving crowd, anxiously waiting for her to come on stage.
He knew that she would be amazing no matter what. He clenched his hands together with the flowers between them. His heart now racing, his stomach stirring in anticipation. The lights began to dim and the crowd began to settle

     Each person that entered the stage he would look eagerly, like a child on Christmas seeing the gifts under the tree. Then, she entered, his heart dropped down to his stomach. There she was, her tall figure stood on stage as time froze for him. She looked amazing as ever, like an angel that came from heaven. Her hair, dark and short as he remembered from before. Upon the abrupt feeling of nostalgia, he saw her smile. Tears welled up with the sockets of his eager eyes that once stood tired looking. He smiled as tears flowed down his face, his hands clenched tighter around the flowers. His leg began to bounce as it naturally had done, within the feeling of her smile he remembered how she used to try and calm him down because she knew full well that bouncing legs meant a racing heart.

     She exited the stage as the lights faded to black, the play commenced within a different scene this time. As the night went on, he had lost track of the tears that streamed from his face. Each time he saw her he would bright up like the bright summer sun, compatible to that of her heart melting smile. No play, no movie, would ever compare to how amazingly and energetically she acted. Only he noticed her heart pounding in passion and excitement, only he could notice her breathing, her motion. She was finally where she always wanted to be and she loved it.

     As the night drew to a close he felt his heart hollow out. The feeling of seeing her was struck with the reality that it'd be the last. As the lights came up and the crowd drifted out of the building, he sat and he stared at the stage with a melancholy glare. He was for once, in the present like she had always tried to get him to do. He continued to sit till someone spoke to him asking him to leave, he asked to see her, his voice was soft and sickly. He waited, the old theater felt as if it were his home waiting for a favored guest of his to come.

     She peaked from the curtain then came out and down to him. He fought back the tears. His heart pounded in fear, he could not muster the strength and courage to stay and talk.
"I simply wanted to give you this. You did amazing up there" he smiled and handed her the flowers. "I must get going now...once again, you did a wonderful job" he spoke then turned his back to her and walked away, tears pouring from his face.

    A note was attached to flowers, it read...
"I knew you'd make it this far, I always told you that you'd be famous. I think these flowers are fitting since we would always pick them at the park. Thank you for the wonderful show and the wonderful memory. I love you."

She looked up to see an empty theater hall, he had gone. She stood paralyzed in the aisle, clutching the flowers with tears in her eyes.
She whispered
"I love you too...I always have."

Have Some FaithOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora