part 3

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Tom looked over at tord his cheeks turned a bit pink he turned back and continued to play the song. Tord blushed  even more noticing  Tom had seen him blush. He sighed as he heard the sweet toons from the song and his calm  way of singing  it. Tord walked away but was actually  still listening to him sing. He finished and put His guitar up he looked for the journal that was in his room it wasn't there anymore. Tord walked down  the hall and notices something  blue on it that he stepped in. "What's  this?"He mumbled  while looking  at it as he picked it up.nIt was toms journal it said keep out expeseialy you tord .Tord felt a bit upset by it but opened it anyways and read it in his room."I never knew Thomas had a little  diary."He said as he flipped  a page. The last entry was about who is crush was My crush is tord was the first 4 words he read Tord blushed at these words  he read and read more. It talked about what he likes about him and that was it Tord closed the notebook slowly and walked back to Tom's  room. Tom was searching under his bed Tom heard him he got up and found his journal :shit he read it: he thought Tord hid his face in his hoodie still blushing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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