,Matthew p2

22 0 4

I hurried into my house,  and reeked of  alcohol.  " m-mom? " I co uld here her laugh. " Matt ,  I'm in the ki tchen! " she only calls me that when ... oh gawd.  she knows!  I slowly walk into the kitchen,  and see my mother standing by the sink . " Matt, you know you have been a very, very bad boy?  don't you? " I nod my head an d my body goes stiff.  I can he r her bend over and get something from underneath the sink.  then she gets a spoon and poors the liquid in the spoon.  by the smell of it,  it's bleach.   " Matt,  I am pretty sure you know what you are sopposed to do, now OPEN! " I nod my head no and feel her fist collid with the side of my head . I see  my little sister Ana run down the stairs and is there staring.  mother spills some of it on the floor.  after an hour of this I finally open my mouth.  she then whispers in my ear " both y ou and I know that it would take alot  more to kill a were wolf. " and I am forced to stand there with the sour substance in my mouth.  she finally leaves and I run to the sink and spit it out,  b ut the taste is still there.  I gag, and feel two small arms wrap around my knees.  " are you o-tay mafew? " Ana askes me.  " yeah Ana.  why sent you in bed yet? " I heard momma and you fighting.  I wanted to see you. " I laugh and pick her up bridal style.  I set her on her bed and kiss her cheek.  " goodnight my angel.  see you tomorrow. " and I close the door.  I make my way to my room,  stripping down to my boxers and sorta belly flop onto my bed.  I hear my door open,  and see mother  come In. she doesn't say anything but sits on my bed.  I turn over and look at her.  she smiles.  I turn and face the wall,  but she turns me back to were I'm facing her.  her hand rest on my side and she turns the light out.  ( this is kinda graphic Sooo )

her hand slowly goes down so far it's resting on my belt line.  her slim fingers slide under the elastic of my boxers.  she wrapped her hand around my length, and started to stroke.  I feel utterly disgusting and slimy inside. 

mother wasn't always like this.   she used to be a fun cool mum.  well I guess those days are gon e.  she began to take my boxers off, and I already know what happens next.  she slides them off,  and forces me to enter her.  she starts to slightly slide up and down in a constant move. course my body for reacting!  I want to crawl into a hole and die.  that's how ashamed of myself and my mother I am.  but mostly my mother. her movments start to get sloppy and I can tell she's about to cum.  seconds later she let's out a low moan and climbs off of me.  I don't even wait for her to get out, I run to the lou and hop in the shower.  I didn't wait for the water to w arm I just get in and turn it on.  (  Chuck Norris move I know) I let the water run over my body,  as it gets steamy I get my old spice body wash and pour a bunch on me.  I get a wash cloth and scrub my body until its red and nearly raw wanting to get all of her filth off of me.  I wash my hair and get out.  I wrap a towel around my hips.  I  walk out of the lou and to the closet.  I get out a teal shirt,  and black skinny jeans,  with a white belt. ( I know faboo ) I get my bake pack and pack al l my clothes in it.  I get my books and head out the door.  I go to Ana's room and wake her up.  I tell her to get ready a nd she nods.  I get out a pink dress that has yellow flowers and white tights.  while Ana is in the bathroom brushing her teeth I get a bag and fill it  with her clothes.  she comes out and hands me her brush.  I turn around as she changes,  and when she  taps my leg I pick her up and sit down I brush her hair while she's in my lap.  I get up and pick up her bags,  and wi th the other arm pick up mine.  that's a total is seven bags!  she walks slowly behind me.  I set the stuff in my car and lock the front door.  I get her  car seat and put it in the back.  I quickly strap her in and get into the car.  " whe re are we gowing? " I look in the mirror and she Ana rubbing her eyes,  " were going to live with Kat and Gavin!  " she smiled,  but it was soon replaced w ith a frown " what about momma? " I look at her . my face was serious.  "  oh...Okay. " she smiled. 

¤@ the pack house ¤

I pulled up and got Ana out.  I wrang the doorbell,  and Luna Em ily answered.  " Luna,  mum is,  she's out of control.  " she nodded and took Ana out of my hands.  at least we g o to the academy today!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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