2) Fifty Shades of Nerd

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"We need more content people! Doesn't anyone have any article ideas?"

And there goes my journalism teacher, lecturing us on how we need more stories to upload to the website. We had changed from print paper to a website to not only accommodate with the times but to save costs as well. The newspaper club was self-funded because administration cared more about its sports than its arts and academic related clubs. No surprise there though. Every school was like that. Twenty-three minds were silent, thinking of what each one could contribute as their own idea. However, all I was able to think about was how no one likes you when you are 23. Trying to find some inspiration, and also out of boredom, I ended up scrolling aimlessly through Facebook on my laptop. Well that, and looking up what other schools had been doing. Hey, I may be bored, but I'm not just a student. I am a dedicated staff member of The Daily Owl. Using Hedwig as our logo because we like to rip off J. K. Rowling. It's fitting, however, seeing our mascot has been changed to an Owl.  

"What's been going around the school?" Mr. Newman asked. "September, you got to have something in that mind of yours."

"Yeah," I respond, exiting out of Facebook. "I have a few things on my mind. The first is an article about how journalism has gone down hill lately with the focus on quantity over quality."

I guess I was a little impulsive myself. Mostly passive aggressive and full of sass though. When I want to be. Usually, I am awkwardly shy around authoritative people, such as teachers, but I mean, it was Mr. Newman. The sarcastic English teacher that everybody loves and just happens to be the adviser for the newspaper club. Or, more accurately, he gets paid a $500 bonus just to sit on his ass while his students and the club do the real work here. See, mostly passive aggression and sass. It's a two-way street, however. 

"Let's not go down that route. Wouldn't be good for gaining more popularity. What else do you got up your sleeve?"

"My brother's band is in the process of creating their first studio EP.  They actually have a band practice today at my house. Um was thinking since half of the band attends this school, that we could do a little article about the school's local music scene. We could expand from there and do articles on different under appreciated talents the school has. Like the poetry club."

"I like it. I like it. Great ideas. Anyone know anybody on the poetry team? We cover drama, so why not bring more attention to lesser known arts. September you can go cover your brother's band. And tell him I said hi. Anything else we can write? Let's get ideas on the board. Come on, guys. I know it's 7:30 in the morning, but we need content."

As sarcastic as I am though, I do sincerely feel a bit bad for the guy. He's trying to teach a class of teenagers and get ideas flowing when first period has literally just started. A quite near impossible task.  I mean, it's a pretty relaxed class, but only some of us are budding journalists. Others just want an easy class to pass, take the credits, and get it over with. I wonder how teachers have the patience to even deal with teenagers on a whole. I mean I am one, and they still scare the living shit out of me. 

"I'm on the slam team," Tiffany piped up. I smiled, having an idea to what my best friend was up to. "So I can write behind the scenes. Can bring September to help me write and how about um Brooke to go film some behind the scenes fun?"

"We definitely need more video content on the website", Brooke Added. "Journalism isn't just about words. It's about the story. Film is a type of story too.  Actually, can I write an article about the story telling aspects in film and tv? I can also give a shout out to our local access cable station. They have this really cool work study program for high school kids. I'm in it myself."

"Nice! Now we're talking," exclaimed Mr. Newman. 

The class suddenly became like microwavable popcorn. Taking a few minutes to warm up at first, but once the first idea kernel starts popping, soon do the rest. And at a quite rapid pace do they continue popping. Gradually slowing down before the bell rings. Five minutes before the bell rings we have a filled up half the board. I was copying each project idea down in my notebook. Responsibilities of the newspaper staff. So far we had poetry, local music, storytelling in film, interview of a foreign exchange student, stage craft for the spring musical, and an article tracing the life of being a young mother and a student. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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