~Chapter 1~ ~Every things an Illusion~

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" Tsubaki-san! What are you doing here?"

                    I spun around at the call of my name, careful not to drop any of the empty plates I held in my hands. Several girls who were also students at my school seemed to just have entered the restaurant I work at. I smiled sweetly at them.

"Hello, Takenata-san, Kentashi-san, Opaki-san. Can I show the three of you to a table or a booth?"

"A booth please."

                      I grabbed three menus from where they were kept in the host's podium and lead the three deep into building to an empty booth, placing the menus on the table.

"I’ll be right back to get your orders. Till then please look over the menus."

"Thank you Tsubaki-san."

"You're welcome."

                       In the Kitchen I placed the plates in the sink along with my cheesy work smile. I took a bite of the lunch I ordered, when I was supposed to take my break an hour ago, and ended up working straight through it.

"We're real busy today aren't we?" asked Tonashi, the chef.

"Unbelievably." I answered. "We just got three more customers."

"Don't worry. Rush hour can't last forever."

"Right. . ." I walked out of the kitchen and to the three I left in the booth.

"I can't believe you work here!" Kentashi beemed.

"Ah, yes, you see I needed some spending money." That was a lie. I need this job to pay school tuition.

"Tsubaki-san, do you have a boyfriend?" asked Takenata

"No, not at the moment. What would you like to order, Takenata-san?" I held up the note pad, as if I were eager to do my job.

"Oh, I'll have the B meal."

"And you, Opaki-san"

"Just a strawberry milkshake, please?"

"What about, Ketashi-san?"

"An Ice cream Sunday if you don't mind?"

"Of course, I'll be back shortly with your orders."

"Ah! Tsubaki-Senpai!" Opaki stopped me "Not that it’s a big deal or anything, but the three of us are underclassmen to you, and it’s not like we usually talk, how did you know our names?"

"I'm the vice president. It's my job to know the names of the students I represent."



             On my way home I have to pass through the shopping district. I can’t buy anything, but sometimes I like to just look around.  Christmas was closing in on me; I had to get my brother Sai something. But what to get. . .

            I spotted a technology store. Sai liked tech. I'll get him something there. As I entered the shop, I noticed an elderly woman dressed in rags standing outside.  I was looking at the different kinds of computers and laptops they sold, when I saw it. It was a special type of software that allowed you to expand computer memory and data. I didn't really understand that kind of stuff but Sai was complaining the other day about not being able to save a new spy ware he was designing. I looked at the price tag and was shocked to see it was over 20000 yen. I sighed. Perhaps I could get it with my next pay check? 

            On my way out of the store, I saw a scarf that was only 1000 yen, and automatically thought of the old woman I'd seen earlier. I ended up walking out of the store with it, and up to the lady.

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