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dongmin97: hello

dongmin97: i think i need some advice

binbunny🐰: for?

dongmin97: this girl that lives around my area asked me out

dongmin97: i didn't know how to react

dongmin97: so i just stood there and she walked away

dongmin97: i regret just only standing there

binbunny🐰: why?

dongmin97: you know the girl that i talked about when we were in the park

binbunny🐰: yeah

dongmin97: thats her

after bin read that text, bin's heart sunk. dongmin likes that stupid girl that he talked about the other day, he wanted to throw his phone out the window and cry in bed for six hundred years

binbunny🐰: oh..

binbunny🐰: well

dongmin97: well?

binbunny🐰: im sorry im not good with these type of stuff

dongmin97: but you were doing quite well that time when we were talking about love the other day

binbunny🐰: well i dont know i just dont feel it now

dongmin97: but

dongmin on the other side was still curious if bin was gay. he made up this random girl thing so he can find out if bin has feelings for him. he didn't want bin to have feelings for him because it'd be too awkward.

binbunny🐰: i dont know man

dongmin97: nevermind then

binbunny🐰: sorry

dongmin97: it's okay

dongmin97: good night

"who is that girl?" bin thought as he buried his head in his pillow and wiggled around in bed, throwing random tantrums because he really really wanted to know who that girl was. and also, why would dongmin be so nice and affectionate to him?

or was he just faking that he wasn't gay?

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