If Only You Knew

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The room was filled with people. The smell of liquor and smoke lingered in her nose. Alexa shuffled her way through the large crowd. She shouldn't be here, she knew that, but she wouldn't be sent to a bad place unless it was for a good reason. 

She looked around the small bar, everyone dressed in jeans, or casual clothing. Once clear of the crowd, all lining around the stage, Alexa placed herself gingerly on the stool, pulling one leg over the left side. Once she was comfortable, she called the bartender over, by waving her hand. He stared at her, flashing a smirk. "What can I get you Miss?", he asked polietly, staring into her mocha orbs. "Just a beer please, best you got", She smiled back. "You sure? You don't seem like that type of girl", He smirked, his green eyes shining at his comment. "Well then, it seems you don't have good instincts" She stared back, smiling. 

He looked at her once more and chuckled, turning around to grab her beer. She watched as he teared the cap off and slid it across the counter. She tilted it slightly as a thanks and took a swing out of it. The cold liquid slid down her throat, causing her to cough slightly. The bartender glanced her way and smirked, "Told you, not that type of girl", He shouted over the crowd.

"Thanks for the wonderful advice.....?", She shouted back, hinting for his name.

"Liam", he said as he walked back over to her way.

"Well, Liam, you clearly don't know me so no judgement."

 "I know, you're no more than 17". She stared at him, waiting for him to steal the drink back. Noticing her facial expression, he laughed once more.

"Don't worry, only about half of the people here are actually over 21, but nobody notices, considering what you're wearing, you won't be caught"

She was about to give out to Liam for staring, but her mind drifted away when she saw the young man stepping onto the stage. Liam leaned over the counter, watching the young boy aswell. He sat down on the stool and faced the crowd. His hand gripped the microphone and pulled it down to his level. Then he pulled his guitar around from his back, gripping the neck and tuning it slightly. 

 Alexa was so engrossed in this boy's actions, she didn't notice Liam asking for her name. He shouted it once more, this time, she turned around and replied, "Alexa". Her eyes then shifted back to the young boy, he was gorgeous, from where she could see him, he bended his head towards the microphone and spoke. "Hello, welcome to Sparks". Then he began to sing, his voice filled the room and people were silent listening to him. He focused his eyes on the ground, but halfway through the song, he looked up and stared right into Alexa's eyes. Her breath caught in her throat, and her heart beat fast.

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