Anything for Elly

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Jumin Han was a simple man, a businessman, filthy rich, cold attitude and a attachment to the fluff balls known as cats. Before having Elizabeth 3rd at his side, he was lonely but never dared to admit it, but his close friend V and Rika saw through this and was soon gifted with the queen he cherishes Elizabeth 3rd.
Jumin spoils his cat, making sure she's safe and he always makes sure to remind others of her significance. Elizabeth 3rd was truly the one who really understood and was loyal...
Jumin always felt others were against him but Elizabeth was always at his side.

Although, Jumin could have never predict he'd be in a situation such as this...
"Elizabeth 3rd! No!" He cried out to his beloved cat, there she was, crying and desperately padding in the rushing water she was trapped in.
That's right, Elizabeth 3rd had fallen into a river with tough stream, how did this happen?
Well, for this particular party this time for the RFA, Jumin Han had made arrangements where Elizabeth 3rd would would be modeled and examined for a cat related project.
Jumin thought it was a good idea at the time, it'd be a convenient for his schedule and he'd kill two birds with one stone.

Right now, however, Jumin was thinking this was a unprofessional mistake on his part.
Elizabeth 3rd had managed to escape and run far, everyone was chasing her and not losing sight, until it got to the point where she had fell in this river.

"Meow meow!" The cat continued to whine, she was occasionally falling under the water for a split second before poking her head above quickly after. "Mr. Han! I recommend you do something!" Jaehee Kang yelled out to her boss, who really wasn't in the best state of mind at the moment.

"Uh, yes! Assistant Kang, call for back up, this is an emergency." Jumin was at the point where he was trying to decide whether to jump in or not, but he felt frozen, his muscles wouldn't listen. Zen looked half way cornered but was mostly glaring at Jumin.
"I knew you shouldn't have brought that damn cat! Now look at what happened!"

Jumin was about to angrily respond before Yoosung cut between the two. "Guys, this isn't the time... please." He pleaded.
Despite his plea, the two men were now glaring at one another. They might've pushed Yoosung aside to start a physical fight before MC spoke up.

The brunette gasped. "Elizabeth 3rd! She's heading towards a waterfall!" Everyone turned and this was a fact!
"God no, please no!" Jumin snapped out of his paralyzed state and ran at the side of the river, trying to catch up. It felt much longer than that but...
His dark eyes and Elizabeth's icy blue ones met, Jumin felt so many emotions he couldn't even describe, those eyes...

They were filled with fear, innocence and love for her owner.
It was almost, like she knew she was going to die.
"Elizabeth 3rd!!" He could only yell. He couldn't lose her, he just couldn't.

Jaehee was trying to specify the exact location but it wasn't exactly easy. The phone tracing wasn't a quick process either.
Even when that was done, it takes time to arrive.
Luciel clutched his fists, determination taking him over. "There's no time for this!" He shouted, taking action and speeding past the other RFA members.

Yoosung's eyes widened, "Seven! What are you doing!?"
Zen thought he was crazy, MC put her hands over her mouth in shock.
Yoosung even attempted to go after him but Zen stopped him, gripping him at the shoulder. "Don't you dare!"

"But Seven..." he said with a frown. Zen bit his lip. "Dammit. I don't want you to get killed either you know." That only managed to frighten Yoosung, MC walked over and pat his back to assure him. "707 is the defender of justice... he'll be fine." Her smile was nearly playful.

Luciel had successfully caught up to Jumin and was going past him... Jumin looked his way. "Luciel!
Stop this instant!" He demanded. "She isn't going to..." he couldn't finish. This wasn't happening under Luciel's watch.

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