I Get A Little Bit Ghengis Khan

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Keith sighed, it was 12:32, and Lance still wasn't home. Where was he? He said he'd only be gone for a few hours to go out with his friends. That had been at 9 pm.

He stared blankly at the tv, remote basically falling from his loose grip. He was beyond tired, he wasn't used to staying up this late. Then again, Lance had been staying out this late a lot. What was he doing? It was beginning to be so often that Keith was worried.

He hadn't really known what friends Lance was out with. They were probably getting drunk though. Keith was pained, Lance was a pretty reckless and annoying drunk. You could get him to do basically anything.

This wasn't good, now Keith was beginning to overthink everything. He looked down at his left hand, glaring threateningly at the golden engagement ring there. Was that promise enough?

Keith shook his head, Lance wouldn't. His eyebrows furrowed as he doubted his flimsy resolve. He wouldn't do it with a sound mind, but... if he were to be influenced... Keith almost couldn't handle the pain that accompanied those thoughts.

His fists clenched and he crossed his arms, tossing the remote away from him. Why did he have to be so paranoid? Lance was loyal, there was no denying that, but he was also a flirt. He could easily pose as a single man.

Keith was beyond scared, could Lance really do something like that, with their wedding looming so close like it was? He didn't know what to think anymore. His hands began to shake as anxiety encompassed his entire system.

He was jealous and angry, two emotions that didn't mix well with his impulsiveness. So when the door fell open and in came a stumbling, half-aware-of-his-surroundings Lance, Keith exploded.

"Where have you been?" Keith questioned, not giving his fiancé a second to honestly enter the building.

"W-wha?" Lance slurred, looking up at Keith confused.

"Why are you so shit-faced drunk? Did you drive yourself home? You could have died! And you said you'd only be gone for a few hours! It's nearly one am." Keith spoke accusatorially, eyes narrowing into a flat glare and arms crossing again as he watched Lance struggle to get his shoes off.

"I... I didn't.. didn't k-know it was so late...." Lance stuttered out slowly, barely being able to collect his thoughts.

Keith stomped away, not wanting to deal with such a stupid, slow and annoying version of Lance. Lance just shrugged it off in his ignorant state, tripping over to their bedroom and flopping onto the large mattress.

A few hours passed of an anxious Keith not knowing what to do with his shaking, over-energetic body. Lance was unconscious in their bedroom, sleeping off his intoxication. Keith shook his head, he was already in a feeble minded state, but now he couldn't stop the thoughts of Lance being involved in an affair.

Was he being stupid? Thinking he was the only one? He didn't know and it made his heart hurt. He knew that he couldn't get answers until Lance was awake.

But if he had gone and got it on with another person, could Keith really blame him? Of course Lance would be bored with Keith. Lance was excitable and energetic, not really the type to settle down. He couldn't possibly stay with one person no matter what his promises were with that personality.

Keith began to criticize himself. Was he not good enough? Sure he wasn't, or Lance wouldn't have had sex with another person. Keith sighed, resorting to watching something random to keep his mind off it.

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