fuck u

761 23 19

(Y/n) was walking in the desert. A few years ago you joined the Wolf Circus, it was wonderful. Kedamono and Popee are your best friends, and Papi is still a kinky sun of a bitch.
You walked up to the circus and was greeted by Kedamono. "(Y/n)! Where were you?!" Kedamono yelled. "I was taking a walk to clear my mind ya turkey." You yelled back. Kedamono guided you inside and stopped in his tracks. All of a sudden he turned around and took off his mask. Only to reveal- he wasn't Keda at all! He was FROG!
Frog hopped to you and stuck his long frog tongue in your mouth and you made out with him for like 2 hours. You pulled away realizing everyone was watching you guys. Frog didn't care and you guys made babies in front of everyone. You were now impregnated. With frog human hybrid babies.


Frog x Reader (Popee The Preformer)Where stories live. Discover now