My True Love

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So, I'm rich, handsome and I have a big house. What’s not to like? Every girl I ever met wanted me, or my money, or whatever. But one day I met a mistery girl. She wasn’t like the others. She didn’t want to talk to me or even tell me her name! I followed her around, and nothing! Not even flowers helped!

„Look, girl“ I said to her one day „Why are you ignoring me?!“

„Are you talking to me?“ was the anwser.

I rolled my eyes. „Yeah,princess.“

She laught. That smile gave me an idea.

„Your royal highnes,what about pizza on Friday night?“

„Hahahaha! Oh, you little devil! Why not? But only one date, OK?“

„Yes.Your name...“

,,Paula.And you?“

„I’m John“ I laughed. It was obvious that I was lying.

„OK, ´John´! Tell me your real name.“

„OK. It’s Simon. But you can call me Simey. Pick you up at 7 o'clock!“

,,Yeah.Here´s my adress and phone number.˝

I took the paper and gave her my phone number.

Friday,5 o'clock

My date is in less than 2 hours and I don't have an idea what to wear.I know I'm acting like some kind of a girl but,I really like Paula and I want things to work out.

The phone rang.



,,Yeah.P?Is that you?˝

,,Simey,I can't make it tonight.Sorry.Maybe some other time?˝

,,Why?˝I was desperate.But I didn't want to give up just yet.

,,Well...The thing is...I don't like pizza,or coffee.But I like cookies and cake.˝She laught.

,,Do you want to come to my place?I have chocolate cake!˝

,,Argh!You convinsed me!˝

,,Yes!˝We both laught.I was so happy,I can't explane it.

Quarter to seven...

,,She's coming!I hear her steps.˝I was thinking.The next thing I know is that the doorbell is ringing.I went to open the door.Paula jumped in to my arms.

,,Your neighborhood is weird.I'm so scared.˝she said like she was about to cry.

,,Calme down,honey.˝I kissed her cheak.She blushed.

We stood there not knowing what to do.

,,What about that cake?˝I said.

,,Sure˝I took her to my kitchen.

,,Oh,my God!What a beautiful kitchen!˝

,,If you this is beautiful,wait untill you see the ball room!˝

,,Ball room!?Forget the cake!I want to dance!˝

We danced for hours,and when it was time to go home - she didn't want to leave me!

,,Can I sleepover at your house,please?˝

,,Of course,princess!˝ I kissed her on the cheak,but she had a better idea - a kiss on the lips!

We stood there kissing for half an hour.

,,I love you!˝ she whispered to me.

,,And I love you too,babe!˝ I whispered back.

11 months later...

,,Honey!Let's go!We're going to be late!˝Paula was calling me.We were going to our wedding!And not only we were getting married,but Paula was pregenant!The doctor says that we're going to have twins!

And that's my story.How I fell in love and how I found my soulmate.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2014 ⏰

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