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Devon's Perspective:

Tentatively, to the dismay of Alison, I took a few steps forward, scooted a chair away from the table, and sat down in it. I directed my attention to Alison's mother and plastered a charming smile on my face. "Yes, Mrs. Wilson?"

Alison's mother took a seat a few chairs down from mine and looked at her daughter. "Alison, sweetheart, we have a guest. Please don't be difficult. Please just sit down. We can resume our disagreement later."

My eyes shifted to Alison. Her features softened when she saw me seated at the table. She opened her mouth as if to protest, but instead, shut her mouth and took a few strides forward. She took a seat next to me, her fruity perfume wafting under my nose, which actually smelled awesome.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Alison turn to her mother and could tell she was trying to fight from rolling her eyes. "Yes, mother?" Her tone was even.

Mrs. Wilson gave her daughter a soft smile and said, "I just wanted to say how lovely it is... How you've decided to bring your boyfriend home to spend personal time with him, and all."

Before Mrs. Wilson could get another word out, Alison cut in and laughed. "Mom, he's not really my boyfriend. You, of all people, know that. Don't be dumb."

Shifting uncomfortably and not knowing what to say, I learned back in the chair and studied the bowl of fruit sitting on the table. The sunlight from the open windows behind me started to soak through in rays, as the morning was nearing afternoon.

Mrs. Wilson laughed. "Well, why not, sweetheart? He's quite the charming young man! Plus, he has lovely grades. Quite the full package!"

Licking my lips, I turned to Mrs. Wilson and folded my hands, laying them on the table. "With all due respect, Mrs. Wilson, your daughter and I are just friends. Nothing more."

Mrs. Wilson nodded her head slowly as if in denial, a weird look in your eye. "I see." She slowly stood up straighter and said, "You know, Alison, I think I am going to go catch up with a friend at a breakfast buffet now. I'll talk to you later about respect, sweetie." She gave a tight smile to Alison then turned to me. "Have a great day, Devon. You deserve it." She quickly walked out, leaving her shopping bags on the floor.

Sighing, Alison stood up and walked to the counter. She faced me, once she was behind it, and said, "Sorry about that." With her hair a little ruffled, and not at all perfectly straight like it normally was, and her makeup-less face, she actually still looked gorgeous. Her round, bright eyes looked at me as she continued to ask if I wanted anything for breakfast.

For a second, I failed to respond, too busy studying her. As I slowly snapped out of it, she gave me a weird look as I said, "Um, no. I'm actually good."

She resumed drinking her smoothie, sipping slowly. Between a sip, she licked her lips and said, "Are you sure? We have kick ass pancakes and waffles."

I laughed. I had never actually heard her ever use "profanity" (as she liked to call it).

"Um, actually waffles sound kinda good." I stood up, thinking it would be too weird if she got them for me. "Are they in the fridge?"

She set her cup down on the counter and motioned to the pantry. "Actually, no. They're not actually made yet, but we have the batter and a waffle maker. I can make them for you if you want."

That reminded me too much of a girlfriend and boyfriend thing to do and though we had already reached past the norm, I didn't want to fall into this weird/lovey-dovey thing with her. I mean, not unless she felt that way. Too weird.

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