Chapter 9

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I know I know I know I know I know I suck! :/ sorry. I missed last week's update, but I hope I didn't lose too many of you D: This is extra long because, well, I had extra time to write more, lol. Hope this makes up for it :) School has been extra crazy lately which, unfortunately, leaves less time for writing. *rawr* -Much love ~ Josie <3


    I received minimal check-ins from Keller over the next two days. I wished I could text him, but that wasn’t going to happen. Cell service probably wasn’t too good through deep space. I knew he was busy with a war and all, but that didn’t stop me from missing him. It was the weekend which meant I didn’t even have school to distract me. All that was left to do was sit around and wait for him.

    Archie came over for lunch on sunday and we all sat on the deck in the sunshine. I wore jean shorts and a flowing shirt and the sun kissed my exposed skin. It was nice and weird to see mom around the house, doing domestic things like cleaning and cooking, trying to look good for Archie. I never remembered a time when she had been like this; happy and almost glowing whenever he was around.

    “Lemonade?” She asked, coming out of the sliding door with a pitcher.

    “Yes, please,” Archie and I responded simultaneously.

    We smiled at each other and mom smiled down at both of us. I grabbed an ever-present novel and began to read. My planned stint with Harlan Coben was becoming a marathon.

    “What are you reading?” Archie asked.

    I adjusted my book so he could read the title. I’d always hated it when people asked that when I was in the middle of reading.

    “Hold Tight, hmm?” He continued.

    I nodded and shifted my weight, turning towards the sun and away from him. I heard him chuckle.

    “Okay, okay. I can take a hint.”

    I lost myself in the next couple of chapters while mom and him chattered on. I considered going to read on my balcony, but thought that may be rude. -And it was nice not to be alone, for once enjoying my mother’s company. Her phone ringing brought me back to the surface.

    “Yes, sir, I have. They’re in the cabinet to your left. Yes, sir.” She paused as her boss spoke on the other end. “No, I’m not doing anything. I can be right along, sir. Okay. Okay, I’ll be sure to do that. Good-bye, sir.”

    She placed her phone on the table a bit hard.

    “Boss man?” Archie questioned.

    Mom sighed and I recognized the expression on her face. It was her work face; the one that she wore almost 100 percent of the time except as of recent. “Watson,” she explained. “You know how he is.”

    Archie nodded in agreement and looked at her with pity.

    “Honey, I’m going to have to get going,” she said, resting her hand on my shoulder. “I’m sure you two will get along nicely. I hate to run out on you both, but I’ll hurry back. Maybe we can go out for supper.” She tossed this last phrase behind her as she jogged into the house, the door closing behind her.

    I turned back to my book and Archie sipped along at his lemonade. About ten pages later, I heard the front door close and moms car start up.

    “And then there were two,” Archie joked.

    I looked up at him and smiled. He was going to be good for my mom, I could already see it.

    “Yup,” I agreed.

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