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To fans, on camera as well as off camera, a certain two people within Bangtan could easily be mistaken for a couple. The two youngest of the seven members were often seen petting one another's hair, tackling eachother into hugs or into a play fight on the floor, even the way they looked at eachother seemed too intense to be a friendly interaction. And it wasn't until one random journey home, years into the band debuting that Jungkook came to terms with their strange relationship.

Taehyung had been leaning against Jungkook in the car, it was way past midnight, almost morning by now yet they were only just on their way back to the dorms after a particularly busy day. Tae was whimpering slightly in his sleep, signalling the nightmare he was experiencing, alongside the tight grip he had on Jungkook's sleeve. The younger sighed, running his fingers through Tae's hair, lightly massaging his scalp to calm him down without waking him up.

Though, he began to feel a strange pang of guilt as he looked at his hyung, as if he wished there was something he could do to stop his silent cries, to cease his face from contorting in such a frown. As if against his own free will, he pulled Taehyung closer, stroking his left cheek while he wiped the salty tears away, a blush dusting his own cheeks at the close proximity. This had never happened before.

Jungkook had flopped onto his bed that evening with a heavy heart, his chest feeling constricted as he felt bad for his favourite hyung. Was that normal? To feel sympathy for his friend? It was only a nightmare... Though, he couldn't sleep as he kept picturing Taehyung's face, imaging that he was kissing away the tears instead of drying them, holding Taehyung's waist instead of loosely wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Safe to say, he was completely freaked out and stayed awake trying to reassure himself that he was as straight as a ruler.

A bendy ruler.

"Kookie!" Tae squealed a few days later, hiding behind the taller male as Jimin mercilessly chased him, tickling his sides. "Kookie-ah! Save me" he feigned a cry, hopping over one of the couches before Jimin abruptly tacked him to the floor, laughing as Tae thrashed his arms about. "Jungkook! Be my knight in shining armour and rescue me!" he beamed.

Reaching his arms out, Tae pouted his lips, pretending to want a kiss making the younger fall into his nervous, blushing state. "I h-have to go to the bathroom" he stuttered, dashing off quickly down the hall, what is going on with me?? He thought whilst hitting his head with the palm of his hand, his affection for the elder kept growing ever since he'd opened up to the possibility that he may have deeper feelings for him, and now he wished he could just curl up into a deep, dark hole.

"Jungkook? What brings you here?" Namjoon asked with a slightly shocked expression, usually the Maknae was too timid to knock on his workroom door. "I uh... I'm sorry for bothering you, hyung... I just uh, I wanted-" "Jungkook, breath! It's okay, I'll be happy to help with whatever it is you need" he smiled, sitting down at his desk and motioning to the empty chair for Jungkook to sit in.

"I need some advice" he swallowed, nervously awaiting a response though the older's expression only indicated for him to continue. "I'm having mixed feelings about someone right now... and I don't want to ruin the group! But, I'm too scared because I've never felt like this before" he frowned, thinking back to how beautiful Tae's face had looked to him lately, though he'd never had an interest in men before.

"Oh, is this about Tae?" like a deer caught in headlights, the younger did what he seemed to be best at lately. He blushed. Looking down in shame at the floor. "You've been avoiding him lately... have you fallen out?" "N-no! It's not that... I've just, I kind of... have more feelings for him". The leader looked confused for a moment before it hit him, a smile unwillingly forcing itself onto his face.

"Why are you smiling?" "Because! It's obvious Tae likes you! I can't believe it took you this long to figure it out" he lightly chuckled, patting Jungkook's shoulder for reassurance. "But... I thought I was straight! I can't like Tae, what will happen to the band!" "Don't worry about that, it'll be fine... and hey, don't be afraid to like who you do, Jungkook. You don't have to label yourself as gay or straight, just follow your heart".

"Wahh" Tae whispered to himself, quickly removing his ear from the door as he heard footsteps approaching it. "Kookie likes me too...?" the boy giggled, running off to his room to fanboy for a moment. Though, all of them ate dinner together, Jungkook laughing as usual with Tae, as if nothing had happened.

Secretly, Tae had a small plan in mind, smiling to himself as he finished deciding how he was going to go about his little 'scheme' tonight. "Tae? Do you want the last corn?" Jin asked with a smile, having an obvious soft spot for the boy. "Thank you, hyung!" he flashed his boxy smile, continuing on with the meal.

"Jungkook?" Tae asked quietly as he tiptoed to the younger's bed, making sure not to wake up Hoseok who was sleeping soundly at the other end of the room. "Hm?" he asked, half asleep, "Can I stay in your bed? Mine is cold" Tae frowned, already slipping under the covers. "Oh, yeh sure" he was still rubbing at his eyes without caring too much about Tae's presence as he often left his own bed to share Jungkook's; he figured it was just a habit of his. Though, when Tae quickly fell asleep and Jungkook was left awake, he realised how bad of a decision he had made.

Those lips. Those cheeks. That forehead. So kissable.

Jungkook cursed himself for his thoughts, unable to fall back into dreamland as he was now feeling incredibly hot, the sight of Tae cuddled into his duvet too cute for the Maknae to handle. Maybe he just had to experiment to find out if his feelings were true. It wouldn't hurt, right?

With all the courage he could muster, Jungkook latched an arm around Tae's middle, slowing edging his way closer to him, enjoying the feel of his soft tummy against his fingertips. "So cute" he smiled ever so brightly you'd still his pearly whites even though the room was pitch black. Then, a small - but brave - peck was placed on Tae's forehead, Jungkook's breath hitching when he though Tae had stirred.

A few more shy kisses lay upon his cheeks, nose, even gently on one of his eyelids, before Jungkook was craving more, being able to just about view the glisten of his lusciously plump lips. "Don't hate me, hyung... Kookie is... feeling some feelings for you right now and... doesn't know what to do... God, you're so beautiful" he whispered into thin air.

Taking in a breath, the trembling body controlling young Jungkook leaned forward to place a gentle kiss to those teasing lips. He savoured the few fleeting seconds of such a soft feeling, about to pull back when a hand cupped around his neck, dragging him deeper in for another lip-lock.

A shy, breathy moan escaped Jungkook's throat as he melted into the foreign touch, in return stroking Tae's hip. "Wh- What was that h-hyung?" he blushed afterwards, unable to wipe off his smile. "Our first kiss" he chuckled cheekily, hugging Jungkook closer, turning him onto his side so that they were spooning. "All you had to do was say, Kookie... I've liked you for a long time". Tae knew Jungkook wasn't asleep but accepted the silence, knowing he'd probably be too embarrassed and defiant to admit he had more than platonic feelings as well. Instead, he lay his head on his shoulder, hands gently stroking the younger's skin, "Goodnight, Kookie".

They both fell asleep grinning like mad men.

Men madly in love.

A/N - Okay cheesy as fuck but 😂

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