Harry:not a big fan of it but he will hold your hand in the hall and kiss you cheek but that's it when it comes to PDA.
Ron:Not at all but he will kiss you when you're alone along with cuddles but he holds your hand in the hall.
Draco:loves PDA he just loves showing that you are his he'll flat out kiss you in front of everyone in the great hall if he could but you won't let him.
Fred: He likes but doesn't love it he'll kiss you in public but not always because you'll be come all embarrassed and he doesn't want you to be but he will always hold your hand.
George: he loves it because it means he can kiss you where ever he wants because he won't care who's watching as long as he at least gets to kiss you.
Cedric:doesn't like it but he'll kiss your cheek and hold your hand but in privet he'll full on kiss you on your lips and maybe snog a little but not all the way snogging.
Oliver:yeah he'll kiss you in pupil but not always but he will always hold your hand and never let it go but he'll walk you to every class so you're not late and before going in he'll always kiss your cheek.