Deadly Twin #2: Aido Chioru, Sexual Deviant

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First name: Aido         Middle name(s): Dosu              Surname: Chioru

Date of birth: June 21th, 1985         Race: Human (mostly)          Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay (Uke and prefers to be with a Bara -a more muscled and masculine looking man, typically with facial hair).

Social status: A well known policeman in Tokyo, though he is slightly associated with Raiten's other job seeing as he will travel with him and help depending on the size of the job.


Accent (if any): None

Language spoken:Japanese

Other languages known: Russian and English

Style of speaking: Not much, but his voice is a huge key as to how he is feeling. So long as he sounds sweet and happy, his is happy. Once he drops his voice down to the tone he actually is, you know he is pissed. He can occasionally sound hood like his brother.

Volume of voice: Moderate unless he is angry; depending on how he is angered he will either yell or start talking slow, slightly deeper, and softly.


Height: 5'9''

Weight: 159lbs

Eye color: Bright sage green eyes, can turn blackish if he is angry enough.

Skin color: Pale olivine

Shape of face: Soft and has a bit of a heart-shaped face.

Distinguishing features: Right-handed and has a scar right bellow his right knee cap; this wound does occasionally prohibit him from running overly long distances.

Build of body: Slim athletic build

Hair color: Mahogany but in certain light it looks blood red.

Hair style: Short messy with a bit of a spike to it, parted on the right.

Complexion: Crystal clear.

Tattoos: None

Piercings: None

Typical clothing: He always tries to wear neutral colors, skinnies or slim fit pants with black and white converse. A white long-sleeve shirt usually with a short sleeve plaid button-up. During Fall and Winter he will wear an Army green military style jacket he got from Raiten after he left the military.

Is seen by others as: A cute sweet man and very caring policeman, just a really sweet and obviously gay guy


Likes: Eating, art, riding his motorcycle, his pocket watch from his dad, rock music such as Sick Puppies -Especially the song "All The Same"-, Skillet, Maroon 5, Linkin Park, Flyleaf, Panic At The Disco, Maximum Hormone, Fallout Boy, Frank Ferdinand, Theory of a Deadman, and Shinedown. Sweets, mushrooms -the food-, his dog, gaming, hacking, sitting in the park during Summer, Crepes, men, his job, chillin' with his older brother Raiten.

Dislikes: Spicy food, liars, cats, religious things, pedophiles, jump-scares, seeing children hurt, talking about his dad, someone calling him a slut, people hurting Raiten, seeing Raiten distraught, Raiten ever considering to get back on drugs, being violent, or angering Raiten.

Education: Finished high school, went to college, and then to the police academy.

Fears: Losing any more of his family or loved ones and being poisoned.

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