Chapter 4

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"We are finally doing some swimming" Liam said as he got in the large pool, which is of course indoors. I felt my body tug as the shirt I was wearing dragged me down "Take that off, it drags you down" he told me and I reluctantly took it off. "What are we doing in here Li?" I questioned him and he began to float on his back.

"I am going to time you, while you do some laps" he told me and I raised a brow "You know I can't see, right?" I told him and he nodded and tossed me some goggles "Here, I installed the lens type you use, and sprayed some water repellent stuff" he told me and I took off my glasses, blinking at the blurriness as I put the goggles on.

The world one again became clear as I swam over to the side of the pool, setting my glasses down. Liam swam to the shallow end of the pool and got a timer, walking over to the side wall of the shallow end and sitting. "Alright, when you swim, make sure you keep your legs kicking and arms in circular motions" he showed me how and came over, helping me.

"Come up for air every five seconds and no matter what, don't stop until you reach the other side. If you prefer to swim at the bottom of the pool, use alligator arms, but kick, since that proves more helpful, to me at least" he told me, swimming back to his spot. I went to the entrance of the pool, walking up the stairs.

Turning to him, I nodded and he spoke "Ready, go!" he said and I took a deep breath and dived in the pool, staying close to the bottom, I followed his instructions, kicking my legs rapidly as I moved my arms in the right motion. Coming up for air, I kept my legs kicking, diving back in as I swam a bit more, reaching the other side of the pool.

Using my hands I pushed away from the wall, twisting my body, and using my legs to kick off the wall, this time staying on top of the water, doing the regular swim style. Once I made it back, I looked at Liam, who was looking at how long the pool really was, which went up to 13 feet. "7 minutes" he told me and I groaned.

"I thought I was going faster than that" I whined and he laughed "This pool is longer than I thought" he said and I nodded "Yeah, no kidding" I told him and he laughed "Catch your breath, get some water, then do some laps, back and front" he told me and I nodded, doing as told.

Weeks Nine, Ten and Eleven

The next three weeks went by slow, but pretty fast. I finished the rest of my online work, and school was over, now we are in summer, and training is the same. We are still working on swimming, but we train and exercise every other day, but it's mainly pool time. Currently, I am washing my face off, covered with sweat, after a day of training, not in the pool.

Stepping on the scale, I smiled happily, looking at the numbers on the scale. 140, not much left to lose, but I still have a little while to go. Walking down stairs, I see Aunt May, cooking something. "What's cooking?" I questioned her and she laughed "A healthy dinner" she said and I nodded.

We chatted as she cooked and I helped her chop veggies and stuff like that and we ate in the living room, watching tv. "You are looking better" she said "I feel better" I told her and she nodded "Only a few more weeks of this, and then we can go shopping" she clapped her hands and I laughed, nodding my head. "Yes we can" I told her and we ate in silence watching Supernatural.

Over The Next Few Weeks

Over the next few weeks, I have been training, training, training, with the occasional spa day with my Aunt, and hanging out with her the days I didn't train. My body hurts and is sore from all the training and stretching, but we made a lot of progress. My stamina has went up, so has my fighting skills, flexibility, and Liam even taught me a few flips.

Today is my last training day, and it was by far the toughest one, we did everything we normally did, to the max, and didn't stop until late in the night. Giving Liam a hug, I fist bumped him "Thanks for everything Li" I thanked him and he hugged me "No problem, you're like a daughter to me" he told me, "Also, Aunt May asked if you wanted to go out sometime" I told him and he raised a brow at me.

"Really?" a blush rose to his cheeks, and I nodded, giving him a broad smile, trying not to give any intentions that I was lying, which I am. "Tell her, I would love to," he spoke and I clapped "Alright, her next off day is Saturday, so pick her up around 6" I said "And dress fancy" I shooed him out of the house and watched as he got in his car and drove out of sight.

Closing the door I danced in the house, my baggy clothes almost slipping off "Oh Aunt May!" I called and she came down from the upstairs, where her room is. "Yes," she paused looking at me "Madison, it seems all that hard work payed off, look at you, looking like a superstar" she laughed and I nodded "I feel comfortable now, that was a good thing for me" I told her and she nodded.

"It only took 16 weeks," she joked and I laughed "I still had school for like 7 or 8 of those weeks" I told her and she nodded "True" she told me, "Well get some rest, you've lost the weight, so now it's time to get you some new clothes, and you know what else that means" she told me "That school is about to start, again" I groaned, and she nodded.

"Luckily you came around the middle end of school, so all summer you've been training and losing weight, and hanging out with me, and Liam" she told me and I grinned, starting to walk away "Speaking of Liam, you have a date with him, Saturday, 6 o'clock, dress fancy, night!" I rushed as I ran to my room, hearing her scream "WHAT!" but then I also heard a squeal.

Taking a shower, I changed into one of my large shirts, I turned on my tv, turning on Spongebob, I turned the lamp on next to me on. Grabbing a pencil and paper I got, I wrote my parents a letter, telling them what I've been doing the weeks I haven't wrote to them, and how much weight I've lost, and how much better I feel. Once I was finished, I folded it up and put it in the envelope with a post card, reminding myself to take it to the mail person tomorrow.

Turning around in my bed, I let the squeaky voice of Spongebob fill my ears as I went on my phone for a little bit, then after about an hour I plugged my phone into the charger and turned around, letting the theme song of a new episode lull me to sleep.


Hello people, here is chapter 4, which means, I am gonna post the first chapters of this new book after chapter 5. I want to at least re-do 5 chapters before I post it, and with this being the fourth, after I finish the next one, I will post the book. I am gonna try to update as much as I can over the next few days.

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