Chapter 6: Fine.

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Carrie couldn't do it she has to tell him but she wanted to but couldn't make a decision. Luke was outside swimming she got a weird text from someone

Hi Carrie meet me
At the beach at sunset.

                                                                                Okay I will.

It was almost sunset she ran down to the beach and sat and waited she noticed Luke looking at her in a dreamy look. He ran over to her and sat down with her.
"Hello beautiful." Luke said in a dreamy way
"H-Hi" Carrie said nervously
"Want to go surf?" Luke asked
"No No No I can't, sorry." Carrie said
"Why?" Luke asked
"Cause..." She didn't finish
"Look i know somethings wrong. What is it?" Luke asked
"Well...for a start my world changed forever by something it will always be this way."
"Oh." Luke said
"Oh wait! Be right back
She rushed to the house and opened the spellbound on a chapter called Invisible tail
Do you need to be in the water? Just use this spell
1..2..3.. a invisible tail will be done will not be seen still breath under but the feet will say together only for an hour each time to say this spell.
Carrie said the spell and ran back to Luke
"I can go in the water. Lead me boy!" Carrie said out of breath
"But nothing come on!" She took his hand and they swam in the ocean and surf just a few minutes before her time was up
"That was fun!" Carrie said
"Yeah." Luke said
"See ya!" Carrie said and ran home
"There's something about her I like!" Luke said and walked home

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