episode 1 the begun

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Danny : hi there l am danny l am great kids in school
Robert : l am robert best friend of danny
Harry : l am harry the most skateboard guy in the school
Stephanie : l am stephanie l am the most childish student
Toby : l am toby the most timeless child
Keith : l am keith the most love person
Cole : hello l am cole the robot kids
Benjamin : l am benjamin the cooking kids in school
Spinach : l am spinach the talktive kids
Breaux : l am breaux the less smart kids
Larry : l am larry the lazy one
Yuriko : l am yuriko the rock n roll child
Rocket : l am rocket the most science kids
Fixer : l am fixer the saving note
Emma : l am emma the manget kids
Luke : l am luke the none soul
Lyons : l am lyons the sport one
Eltra : l am eltra the twin of robot kids
Sade : l am sade the most unhealty kids
Giro : l am giro kids one side me and other side is my brother gire

The end

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