Chapter 15

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"When will be the day you finaly realize I've been watching you this whole time?"


Mateo! Mateo wake up!

"Wake up? I'm dead, right?" I asked whoever was talking to me.

Why did you do it?

I felt confused. I was in a room. Not mines though. Ayo was there. He had his eyes glued to the T.V. It's like I was right behind him.

I got so happy. I ran over to him, and got in front of him. "Ayo!" I yelled.

He didn't hear, or see me. It's like I was see-through. "Ayleo Bowles!" I yelled trying to push him.

He can't hear, feel or see you.

"Who thafuck is talking?" I asked looking around. My eyes stopped at the T.V. which was about me jumping off the building.

So he saw it.

All of a sudden I was back to where I was. An empty space of nowhere.

Why Mateo? It's not worth it.

"He's missing, I don't even know where he is. I'm being stalked, raped. Life is definitely shit, and I'd rather die." I said pulling my hair.

Do it for Ayo.

I got confused. Why is this person so nice now? "Didn't you urge me to kill myself?"

I'm different, Mateo.

I nodded and then I was brought back to a different room. Ayo was there again, but there was blood on the floor.

He was crying and calling my name.

I ran to him. "I'm right here!" I grabbed him and tried hugging him. He didn't respond.

He grabbed a really sharp knife. "I need to leave this hell hole." He said sharpening the knife. "Mateo is dead, I'll be with him."

Ayo raised the knife.

"Baby, what are you doing!" I yelled while crying. He lowered his head and stabbed himself in the heart.

"AYO! WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed. I was shaking and so was he. Then, he stopped moving. He got pale. I grabbed him and started shaking him.

"No. Please." I whispered. I grabbed his face and kissed him one last time.

Then I was brought back to the emptiness.

"Thafuck?" I yelled, looking around. "STOP PLAYIN' WITH ME!" I cried.

You need to find Ayo, and prevent that from happening.

I cried and shook my head. "How?"

You need to figure that out.

"No! Getcho' ass back here and help me!" I screamed to nothing.

"He's getting up, move back, move back!" I heard a man's voice yell.

I saw a bright light shine in my eyes. I started to see some dude hovering over me. The other doctors and nurses left the room.

"Personal space bro." I said trying to get up. He chuckled. "I'm Dr. Marriott. How ya' feeling?"

I sat up. My head felt heavy, and so did my arm. "My head hurts like hell man." I said grabbing my head.

"Well, since you were in critical condition, I put you in a medically induced coma. Your friends came by, but I told them to go home, I'll call them when you wake, since they were staying a little over visiting hours." Dr. Marriott said.

I nodded. "Can I just leave today. By myself?"

He nodded. "I'll get your pills and you can just sign yourself out."


I decided to walk home. I felt like jumping off a building again, but I wanted to stay alive. For Ayo.

As I was about to step inside, I saw a note on the doormat.


(Made up)

"Who is this K dna M person?" I asked myself stepping inside. As soon as I got in, I felt a weird vibe. Then I gasped.


I hurried, packed my bags, and drove my car to a hotel. I used my savings to pay for a stay.

I went to my hotel room, and sat on the bed, staring at the number. "What if this can lead me to Ayo?"


5 chapters left😏👏

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