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I stand there speechless and shocked. "I asked what are you doing here not give me that dumb look." Taehyung complained. He took off his black hoodie and placed one arm on the wall, blocking my way from running. "Uh uh oh you know..just walking past here.." "Really? Just right now I've seen you standing right at this spot for about 5 minutes. You call that just walking?" Dam he right he right. I'll just be honest with him.

"Well the truth is I'm here because...I was..worried. As to why you didn't come to class." He's still really close to me. He leaned in to me. We were facing face to face. I took a big gulp as he smirked at me with his devilish lips. They're nice and perky. "You were worried? Hm. I guess I'll let you off this time. But for today, I'm feeling lonely. I'm giving you permission to hug me." He spreads his arm open ready to be held. What?! Out of no where he wants me to hug him! I'm so confuse!! "Well?" Still, having his arms out he closes his eyes. What should I do?! I can't just straight up do that AFTER just dancing with Jihyun. I. Seriously. Cant. Deal. With. This. Without saying anything I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck. He was really tall so I had to jump. I can feel his arms still open. "HAHA! You really are weird Reina." "Huh? You asked me to! Fine!" I tried pulling out but he insist. He pulled me back into an embrace. Crap. He's too strong for me. His chest is really wide and firm. Basically my face is planted on his chest. "Tae! Taehyung! Let go!" I tried getting away but it doesn't work. "Taehyung !" I shouted his name so many time. Why isn't he letting go?! I felt a wetness fall onto my cheeks. Huh? Is it raining? I looked up on his face and saw tears. "Tae..hyung..are you cryin-" He aggressively tug me back. "Don't look. I know I look pathetic. Men shouldn't be crying." (My hearteu is. -jhope)

He said not to let go. So I didnt. We were in the same embrace for a while. He finally parted and wiped his tears. "Sorry. I really needed that." Honestly, I didn't want to be apart. It was nice and warm. If a simple hug will tend his heart I would do it a million times. "Is something bothering you Taehyung?" I asked him. "Yeah. Family problem. I really owe you one." "So is that why you didn't come to school today?" He nodded at my question. I want to hold his hands but that'd be wrong. Instead I slap his back.

"Ah! Yah! Why'd you do that?!" He puts his hand on his back rubbing it. I giggled. "That's what you get for touching me without permission." My turn to tease him. Hmph! Hehehe. >:)
He burst into laughter. I've never seen him laugh this hard. It's kinda nice to see this side of him. "Reina." He calls my name. Just him calling my name gave me the butterflies. "Thank you. I'll be sure to come to school tomorrow so don't worry about me. You should worry about getting home. I don't want to keep you here any longer."

Oh right! I should get going. What a coincidence. My phone starts ringing. Crap. It's mom. I pick it up. "Yes mom?! I'm coming home don't worry! I'll be late!" "Alright hurry up!" Taehyung suddenly spoke loud enough for my mom to hear. "Hurry back home Reina !!" My mom on the other hand starts saying gibrish things. "#&*$;", $£ WHO WAS THAT?!" "BYE MOM!" I hung up the phone. I sighed and glared at Taehyung. "Yah!" I stomped. "Hahaha!" Taehyung loves teasing me.

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