Chapter 5

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**Two months later**

The school bus pulled up to our bus stop and I waved to our extremely nice bus driver, Mrs. Lann, as Liza and I got out of the bus. We talked for a little bit at the bus stop and then said bye and went in opposite directions to our houses, like we've done every day for the past 2 months.

I didn't have any homework today, so I took my time walking home, lost in my thoughts. I finally made it to my house and was about to ring the doorbell, when a small object to the right caught my eye. It was a small cardboard box. I walked over to pick it up, curious about what it could be.

Suddenly, I realized something, and my face lit up. Today was the day I was supposed to get my brand-new Transformer! That must be it! I grabbed the box and rung the doorbell. My mom opened the door. She had a worried look on her face but before she could say anything I ran inside and placed the box on the floor. I ripped it open and saw my brand-new Transformer. He looked big, tough, and bad. I loved it.

I was about to run up to my room to play with him when I felt a big hand on my shoulder. 

"Hold on, David. Before you head upstairs to play, Mom and I need to talk to you."

 I walked over to the table, and my parents sat before me. I knew they were just going to give me the talk about taking care of new toys.

"Mom, dad?" I said, keeping my eyes on my Transformer as I inspected him. "I already know the rules: no tossing the toy at walls, no playing in the dirt with it, no - "

"No, David, that's not what we're here to talk about." My dad said in a serious voice. I looked up at my parents, confused. My mom looked pale and sad as she looked up at me. Ohh, they must be giving me another talk about manners! I realized. I moved the toy out of my face to look at my parents. "I'm sorry that I forgot to say thank you, I was just -"

"We're not here to talk about your new toy." My mom said, giving me a sad look. "We're moving to Los Angeles."

My Transformer fell to the floor, shattering into pieces.

a/n: welp, this one's kinda sad. also i'll probably be posting another chapter today since the next few are so short. ok see ya then bye guys -k

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