The Rose and the Dragon

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I think my foot's busted. Dara cursed under her breath.

Bigbang had an assignment earlier, as usual, Black Rose arrived ahead of them and gotten herself into a fight. She could've just watched on the side line while Bigbang and their group finished them off but upon arrival she realized that they were the same group that Sanghyun encountered a few weeks ago. Her anger got the best of her, she tried to fight them all. It was 1 versus 30.

In the past, she always thought she was small, weak, and frail, but she has proven in a couple of occasion that she is not weak, she may be small, but she is stronger now. Yes she is stronger now, but also wiser. She knows when she cannot handle something, and she knows when to let things pass, if they weren't the ones Sanghyun encountered a while back, she would've let Bigbang handle them, there're just too many of them in one place. But her anger went up her head and screwed things up. She ended up angrily marching towards them screaming utterly moronic angry remarks about them. She knows that's very childish of her, and she learned something the hard way.

Black Rose was almost done with them but she was careless, the leader, who was lying on the ground, got a hold of a hard thing, Lia was not sure if it was a baseball bat or a metal baton, all she's sure is that it is made of metal and it is long, he grabbed she by the ankle and he smashed the metal thing on her foot. She still managed to finish him off, but she was also injured.

She stayed hidden while Bigbang's men cleaned the place up. Bigbang was huddled up immersed in a conversation. She stayed there to rest. Jiyong... looked restless.

She couldn't think straight because of the pain on her foot. She was tired, so she sat and tried to rest. After a while, she realized what kind of a terrible situation she was in.

She was messy, bruised, her foot was busted, and her clothes; bloodied. She cannot go home like that, her parents are still in her place; looking after Sanghyun. She needs to find a place to stay. She held the chain that was under her shirt, and thought.

Oppa... I miss him.


It's been a few weeks since Jiyong last saw Dara and met Faith. He wanted to search for them. But he knows Dara wouldn't like it.

Bigbang went to their assignment only to find the gang on the floor, their bodies piled on a lump, all of them slumped and beaten. The black rose was there again, with the lipstick marking. She was there. He wanted to see her.

As if fate was hearing what he was thinking. A gust of cold wind entered his room as the window opened and he knew who it was. He didn't need to confirm. Who else could go into his unit's window, which is on top of a tower? Only her. She never fails to amaze him. However, this time it was different, instead of the usual silent motion she does when she enters, she was making a lot of noise this time.

"You're getting rusty, Black Rose, you're noisy." He teased as he turned on the lights.

"My bad, G-Dragon." She weakly answered.

His gaze dropped on her, her lips were bleeding, she has scratches on her forehead, and she's limping. She's a mess.

"Shit! Dara, are you okay?" He asked in panic.

"I obviously am not. Otherwise I wouldn't be here in the first place." She sarcastically answered; the new Dara sure is feisty. He helped her sit on his bed.

"Wait here, I'll prepare a bath for you." He went to the bathroom and prepared the things she might need. He also took out her undergarments that was left a few years ago, along with his shirt that she seems fond of. He hoped a bath would make her feel better.

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