Part 2 -yandere! son vs.Sadistic! Girl

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You went downstairs with kyoko's daughter and Tsuna.You saw the guardians and your son, they were either on the floor with pillows or on the couch with blankets with huge boxes of popcorn.

"Mother!" your son cried."Im glad you're here!"

"Yeah..."you mumbled.

You pulled over a chair and sat far away form everyone else bit close enough for you to see the screen.

Your son got up from the couch with a box of popcorn and sat on the floor beside your chair.

"I want to be by you mother, I hope you don't mind." he said.

"No, it's ....ok." you answered.

The movie started and everyone was focused on it and laughing once in a while.

You started to drift asleep and almost fell of your chair when your son caught you and would help you sit back down.

You didn't notice when Kyoko's daughter left.

"Thank you for watching!" the TV screen read indicating the movie was over.

Everyone was mostly asleep and some were about to go to sleep.

Gokudera hugged Tsuna's leg while he was asleep , Yamamoto was asleep on the couch taking most of the space, lambo and chrome snuggled together on the floor , Ryohei had a popcorn box over his face and was EXTREMELY asleep and Hibari was just standing there at the far end of the hall , awake.

"Only Herbivores fall asleep before the movie ends completely ... " He said." I'm leaving."

And with that he left.

" Well, everyone thank you for watching the movie with us , now it's time to sleep , goodnight." said tsuna.

Everyone got up and went to their rooms, leaving you with Tsuna and your son.

"Are you coming (y/n)?" Tsuna asked.

"No, I'm not tired , I'm going to watch the news until I'm tired." you answered.

"Ok, come on (c/n)." he said

"No, I want to stay with mother a little longer!" he cried out.

"It's ok, he can stay a little while..." you said.

"Fine.Son ,my love, sweet dreams." Tsuna said.

You went over to the couch and sat down and your son cuddled with you.
You turned in the tv and started going to the news channel.

"Welcome to Namimori news, eleven o'clock special, and your hosts _____ and _____"

"Why do you watch the news mother?" your son asked.

"It helps me sleep faster."you replied.


"Now to ____ with the weather ."

You started to feel drowsy.

After ten minutes of watching the news you felt like going to sleep.

" (C/n), you should go to sleep, it's late."

"Goodnight , mother."

Your son started to go upstairs and you proceeded to grab the remote and before you could turn it off..

"Breaking News! woman found severely injured in forest near an abandoned mental hospital, police say the evidence is very little about who did it but they say the footprints left behind were, small...."

Your eyes widened, and you heard your son's footsteps cease.

" Oh! new report, a very sad one indeed, the woman was proclaimed dead just a few hours ago... and her daughter has gone missing. Back to you ____"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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