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John's POV

I had my books nestled in-between my arm as I traveled to class.  I was studying creatures and how to hunt them for over two years now. As soon as I walked into to class my books were slammed out of my grip.

"Watch were you're going!" He shouted.

"Sorry." I replied quickly, rushing over to my seat. "Not sorry." I muttered under my breath as I sat down. I quickly opened my books and got on the page we left off of yesterday. The bell signaled the start of class and our professor simply smiled. The class was boring as he seemed to think we started at the beginning of the page and repeated everything he said yesterday. I paid little attention to it and only took notes that I missed yesterday because he went to fast or didn't say them. After a while I looked outside into the forest that was right by our campus. Many people actual made expeditions to those woods, but years later it's against the rules for the fact that many students got injured. This included a death of a kid who goes by no name. My thoughts were broken as I felt a something hit me. I looked down to see it was a paper ball. I looked up to see a group of kids laughing untill they realized I was looking at them. They stopped and smirked at me. I scoffed and turned back around. I ignored the second. The the third. Then the fourth, but after the fifth paper ball I stood up and turned to them. "Can you stop?! I'm tired of having to deal with this bullshit!" I shouted. The whole class looked at me shocked even the group of jerks. I then realised that it was because it's been the only full sentence I said in this class. I mainly kept to myself and stayed to my studies. I felt all their eyes on me and I could fell my anxiety began to bubble. I sat down quickly and looked back out the window. I wish I was part of the creature world, because at least I'll get excepted for who I am. I can't help it that I'm Bi! As soon as I came out as Bi everyone started to bully me. I know it's college, but still I don't deserve this. I'm surprised I didn't get sent out after my outburst the teacher continued with the lecture. I sighed as I drifted off back into daydreaming. I always wondered why we could just get along with the creatures. Did we have to kill them? Couldn't we do it in a more peaceful way? All creatures were once human. It's just not fair. I heard the bell that dismissed us and I immediately got up. I grabbed my books and everything.

"Tomorrow Class we're going to be discussing Werewolves!" My professor shouted. It perked my interest, but then again all creatures perk my interest. My books were once again knocked out of my hand and I groaned. I picked them up and tried to ignore the person.

"So what was that whole outburst about? Someone on their period?" He asked, with a laughter that made me want to gag.

"I'm just sick and tired of being picked on by you jerks. You act like this is high school and boss everyone around. News Flash this is college who are going to pick on in the real world? Cause I'm pretty sure if you were to do this you'll be fired right on the spot." I growled. I stood up with my books and pencils jumbled in my arms and walked off, leaving them stunned. I ran all the way to my dorm and dropped all my books down. It was lunch time for about an hour. I locked my door and pushed all my books to the side. I grabbed my pencil and sat down at my desk. I opened my notebook full of personal notes. They were manly my feelings on creatures and certain types. I wasn't hungry as usually and started to log into my computer. I heard a knock on my door. I freaked out and threw my notebook into my locked drawer. I quickly got up. "Coming!" I shouted. I open the door to see the school's Vice Principal, Judy Burgundy. "Oh? Mrs. Burgundy. What brings you here?" I asked, concerned. The panic was inevitably in my voice. They found out about my love for creatures. I'm going to expelled. Okay. Okay. Play it cool.

"So I was just going over my notes and I came across a concerning issue I would like to talk about with you." She explained, adjusting her glasses. I began to notice most of her....features. She had long black hair, and a button up blouse which did not fit her and looked uncomfortable tight. I prayed she had an undershirt on just incase the shirt's buttons broke. Her pencil skirt was the only thing that looked comfortable along with her black heels.

"What is that?" I asked, gulping. I got figured out.

"You haven't eaten lunch all month except one day. That's very concerning. You have to understand that lunch is part of a healthy life style." She told me, in a mom tone of voice. She was always like that she was a mom type of person. Lots of people around school call her a milf. I don't really blame them.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just don't get that hungry. Everytime I try to eat I get an upset stomach." I explained. It was the truth that's probably because my diet consists of 5 hour energys, Monsters, An apple for breakfast and Ramen Noddles for dinner. It was the typical college diet. Well don't forget about the coffee and the meal replacers. I'm surprised I haven't dropped dead.

"Maybe you should talk to a doctor and at least get something light to eat. Like crackers, or a candy bar." She told me, worriedly.

"I'll try. Just very busy with projects and such." I told her. All lies and she knows it. Teachers don't give out projects at the end of the semester. At least my teachers don't." I replied. She only nodded and I closed the door. I sighed and locked it again. I was lucky I got a one bed dorm, which meant I stay here and no one else. I felt my phone buzz.

Reminder: Class is canceled for today. Be prepared for Monday.

I thanked god above. I hated the hunting class. They taught us how to kill and harm creatures. I never really like the idea of killing something because it's different. I can understand if it harmed you. Most creatures are harmless well besides Werewolves and Vampires. They are pretty much the only ones that attack people if they feel threatened. I was about to type in my combination to my drawer when I heard a knock on my door. I groaned and walked to the door. I cracked it to see the person who threw papers at me and made me drop my books. I groaned again and was about to shut the door, but he stopped it.

"Look just give me a chance to explain myself!" He shouted.

"Why?! I don't like you! Go away." I growled. I tried to force the door shut again, but it wouldn't budge.

"I can get the guys to stop torturing you if you just listen!" He shouted. I thought for a moment and then opened the door fully. I crossed my arms and glared at him. God I was like a pissed off Ex.

"I'm listening." I told him in frustration.

"Okay. The guys and I both agreed that if you want us to stop you have to prove yourself. They way they want you to prove yourself is to go into the forest for a night. Tomorrow is Saturday so you'll be fine." He told me. I sighed and paused. If I do this will they really stop?

"Fine, but if you still continue I'm turning you straight into Judy and you know how mom she gets!" I shouted. He only nodded. He stood there eyeing me. "You can go now!"

"My names Hunter by the-"

"I don't care what your name is." I slammed the door and locked it. I looked at the clock. It was going to be two hours till lights out. I typed my code into the drawer and pulled my notebook out. I grabbed my bag and pack a lot of energy bars and a water. I really have to restock up on my college food diet I'm almost out. I wonder if my account has any money in it. I clicked on my computer and checked my bank.

"Sweet! They actually updated it on time for once." I smiled happily. I should get a mini fridge. It would be easier to store sandwiches and get cold water. I would probably eat healthier too. Maybe I'll find a cheep mini fridge for thirty dollars, probably not and I'll have to live off of prison-I mean the college food. I mean at least it's free. Should I wear longer pants? Nah, I'll be fine in these shorts. At least if I get caught going off campus I won't get dress coded. I grabbed my notebook and shoved it in my bag for notes incase of emergency. I quickly got ready and excited about twenty minutes early. I look like a fucking little school boy. I quickly got to the forest and looked in. It looked a lot more scarier up close. This is going to be one hell of an adventure.

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