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Here are the criteria you will need to judge the books in your genre.

Grammar and Spelling: Does the book read smoothly without too many errors. (score out of 5)

Plot: Is the plot sound, does the storyline make sense or are there lots of plot holes. (score out of 10)

Characters: Do the characters fit the genre of the book. Are they fully formed and can the reader understand the personalities of each character.
(score out of 5)

Aesthetics: Obviously this one isn't as important but are the paragraphs the right size to look pleasing. Is the book cover eye catching and pretty?
(score out of 3)

For Books In The Poetry Genre

Grammar and Spelling (score out of 5)

Flow: Does the poem flow or does it stick, if it's meant to be staccato then does the rhythm work (score out of 5)

Depth: Is the poem meaningful and has it been put together carefully or has it been written quickly and un-meaningfully (score out of 10)

Aesthetics (score out of 3)

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