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I sat on the couch scrolling through my phone as Bob and Wade sat beside me and Ethan across the living room from me.

"Ew Tyler, get off your phone, Amy's sister is gonna be here soon" He said to me, throwing a pillow at my face.

I brought my head up from my phone and rolled my eyes at Ethan. He looked over at Kathryn who sat beside him and they started to talk so I brought my attention back to my phone. I was just casually scrolling through instagram when I got a text message from Amy.

Amy: y/n is going to be there soon, make sure nobody asks her about her job, she's self consious about people she knows talking about it

I texted a quick okay before turning off my phone and looking up.

"Guys, Amy asked me to tell you guys something" I say, breaking converstations between everyone. They all went silent and looked to me with questioning faces.

"y/n doesn't was us to talk about her modeling career, or so Amy said she doesn't, so try to respect that" I state.

"Oh ok" Every pretty much responded before going back to their conversations.

Before I had the time to turn back to my phone again, the doorbell rung and Ethan ran to grab the door.

"Guys they're here!!" He called out from the foyer. We all stood up and walked to the front door to to see Amy's sister.

Once my eyes laid on her though, I felt the heat rush to my face. I know I've seen her model on posters and ads before, but holy shit was she astonishing in person.

Star Struck- Tyler X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now