OMG!!! :'(

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Okay guys well its been two weeks. Im now 3 months and 1 week pregnant. My belly hasnt gotten that much bigger but its gonna start. Craig still lives here. And yes we still share a room. Lol. He has been cleen ever since. AND he got a job. He is helping alot around the house. I think he forgot about the bet cuz he hasnt said anything yet. Im still working but i had to quit school. Im going to go back when the baby is about 3 months old. But even then im not sure. I remember when i had Keshaun i couldnt stay away from him that long. So imma have to see how things are. Ive gone to two appointments and Craig went to them with me. This is new to him cuz when I was pregnant with Keshaun he wasnt ever really around. But the baby is looking very healthy. So far everythin i going good. Oh yeah and the kids are on summer break!

We just left court and we got FULL custody of Aubrey!!! Im so happy. Craig cant stop smiling. Right now we are walking out of the court house. 

Me- You happy?

C- *Smiles* Yes. 

Tiff- Yall happy you got what you wanted?!!

C- Damn right! You were never a mother to her anyways!

Tiff- Like this bitch is gonna do any better!

Me- Oh i know i can do a way better job than you ever could do! 

Tiff- Your lucky your pregnant!

Me- *Steps to but Craig keep on tryin to pull her back* Im right here bitch! DO something!

C- Baby go get in the car. 

Tiff- Baby?!! She wasnt your baby when we was fuckin last week!

C- What the fuck ever Tiffany get outta here!

Tiff- You know its true! *Gets real close to Craig* But if you ever get bored with this one call me. *Kisses him but he dont kiss back then Moi punches her in the face.* our gonna regret that! *Walks to her car* 

C- Samoiyah get in the car b4 you get arrested.

We get in the car.

Me- If i wasnt pregnant i sware!

C- Baby calm down.

Me- Hell no talkin big shit then kissin MY man?!! Fuck no i dont play that shit.

C- *Laughs* Your cute when your mad. *Kisses my cheek* And im your man now?

Me-  Its been 2 weeks *Smiles* 

C- *Smiles and kisses her* Lets go get the kids. 

We drove over to Craig's moms house. I aint seen her since she kicked me out a long time ago. I wasnt in the car when Craig dropped the kids off. We pulled up and Craig just looked at me. 

Me- What?

C- Come on your gettin out.

Me- Nope. 

C- Stop bein difficult. Come on. 

I got out the car and we walked up to the door. Keshaun answered. 

Ke- Mommy! *Hugs me* 

Me- Have you been good? 

Ke- Yup. We went swimming with uncle Sedrick!

Me- Yeah? Thats cool. 

Tash- (Craigs mom) Yall come in and get something to eat. 

We walked into the kitchen and Craig went and got something to eat. I just sat at the table. I wasnt feeling good. Craig sat down next to me and his mom sat in front of us. 

Tash- So Samoiyah how have you been?

Me- Good. And yourself?

Tash- Good :)

C- Mom i gotta tell you something. 

Tash- What?

C- Moi is pregnant.

Tash- Are you keeping it?

Me- *Snaps* Yeah.

Tash- Well im happy for yall. I just hope yal are in a steady place. 

C- Mo- *I cut him off* 

Me- We are. 

Tash- Oh really thats nice. So how did court go?

C- We got full custody of her and Tiff can visit her once a month if she wants too. 

Tash- Oh Tiffany. I liked her. How is she doin?

C- *Looks at me then back at his mom* I dont know and i dont care. 

Tash- Dont talk bad about her. She is a good woman. 

I giggled. That was funny. And Tash just looked at me. 

C- No she aint. She was a sorry excuse for a mother. 

Tash- Just because yall custody of Bre dont mean you can talk bad about her. 

C- I'll talk bad about her all i want. I cant stand that bitch. 

I giggled again. Damn this shit was funny. I could tell i was starting to annoy her. 

Tash- Well no matter what she is always gonna be my daughter in-law. 

C- *Looks at me and can tell im pissed* Mom really? Tiffany was never a good woman she was nothing but a hoe. The only reason i was with her was cuz you made me cuz she was pregnant. 

I giggled agian.

Tash- Little girl what is so funny?

Me- That girl has all yall fooled. 

Tash- YOu are not talk bad about her in my house. 

Me- Im not speaking bad just speaking the truth .*SMiles* 

Tash- I never liked you. 

Me- But did like taking my money. 

She got quiet. When i lived here she would always take my money so she could buy drugs and shit. 

C- Go get in the car. I'll get the kids. 

He got the kids and we headed home. The kids were taking a nap and i was watching tv. Craig was on the computer. My phone went off. It was my mom. 

Mom- Hey hun how are you?

Me- Okay..

Mom- Thats good. Look Sammy im sorry for all the stuff i said. It was wrong of me i want us to be close again. I miss you and the kids. 

Me- I miss you too mommy. 

Mom- Well im going to bed ill call you in the morning. Love you. 

Me- Love you too <3

I put my phone back on the end table and turned the chanel. Something cought my eye. It was the news. a picture of Shavon.

NP- (News Person) The body of Shavon Lee Baker was found earlier today in the alley behind Gus's liqour store. He was shot 3 times. There are still no leads as to who commited this crime. 

My jaw just dropped............

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