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The sounds of birds and kids playing came from all around as I walked down the street. I observed everything very closely.

 "Wait, wait, I have a great idea!" I ran to the nearest cafe and grabbed a napkin and pulled out a pen. I started jotting down every little idea.

 "Yes, yes, yes!" I jumped in excitement. That's when the strong smell of paint burned in my nose.

I followed the smell to a dark allyway to see what was going on. There stood a boy, spray painting the wall.

"Hey! Excuse me Mr, thats vandalizing! Its illegal, stop it!" I yelled to him.

The boy stared at me. He wore a bandana around his mouth to block out the strong smell of the paint fumes. "Who made you the boss, miss?" I could practically see the smirk on his face.

"No one! I'm just telling you that you could get in really big trouble!" I answered back.

He then proceeded to pick up a can of the strong scented paint and sprayed a big "M" onto my clothes.

"Well missy, I guess you can't turn me in if you don't know my name, the only thing you know is that it starts with an "M."

"You are fucked up! You just ruined my clothes!" I yelled at him

"Oh, I know." The boy packed his stuff up and ran off.

"Hey wait!" I ran after him. We ran through a bunch of allys and dodged a bunch of people until he turned and I stopped.

"Damn it!" I said, breathing heavily.

 "Trinity?" I heard someone call from behind me. I turned around to see my best friend Jess, she was taking out the garbage.

 "Hey!" I said, ruffling my hair.

"What's with your clothes?" She asked, giggling.

"This stupid immature kid spray painted on them!"

"Why an "M?" She asked.

"Apparently that's what his name starts with." I said while walking inside with her.

"Did he look our age?" She asked curiously.

 "Yeah, he looked maybe a year older, like a senior." I answered her.

"Was he at least cute?"

"Well I couldn't really see him, he had a bandana around his face but his outfit was really badass." I smiled to myself.

"Too bad you have no idea who he is because he sounds hella hot!" She said between giggles.

"I guess."

"Oh my god, Trinity, what if he goes to our school?! What if he's in any of your classes!?" She said, grabbing my hands excitedly.

"Maybe!" I replied, to which she made a funny face.

"What?" I laughed.

"You smell like paint," She said, walking over to her closet. "Here." She tossed me a pair of clothes. "Change."

 "Okay, okay!" I picked them up and quickly ran to the bathroom to get changed. "M" just kept running through my mind. Who is he? My thoughts were cut off by Jessica.

 "Trin, what is taking you so long?"

"Um, I'm coming." I said, opening the door.

"Took you long enough." She grinned a bit.

"Ya sorry I was t-texting my mom, I have to get home but I'll text you later!" I said and smiled innocently at her.

 "Oh, alright." She said, hugging me.

I pulled away and climbed out her window, heading home.

"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled as I walked into the house.

 "Hi hun!" She smiled at me, coming out of the kitchen.

"Hi." I smiled. Apparently she could tell something was on my mind because she asked what was wrong.

 "It's just that I met this kid, I tried to help him and he just left. All I know is that his name starts with an "M." I told her.

 "Well, maybe you guys were supposed to meet." She smirked at me

"Mom stop!" I giggled and pushed her slightly.

 "Ya never know, Trinity." She smiled at me.

"Yeah, okay, thanks mom." I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs to my room.

I grabbed my computer and reached in my pocket for my napkin but it wasn't there. "What the hell?" I said outloud.

Are you serious right now? All my ideas are just gone! I don't even remember what I was writing about!

 I layed back on my bed and sighed out loud.

"Thanks, M."

// Well! I think this book is off to a great start! Like and comment!//

// Well! I think this book is off to a great start! Like and comment!//

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