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Hello! So you've stumbled upon a compilation of my write-off entries. Weird huh? How'd you get here?

But anyways! Write-offs are, essentially, writing contests between me and my cousins. A prompt is decided, and we write about it and rate each other on our writing. Highest average score wins. We write one-shots mostly, sometimes multi-chaptered works and other stuff. The following works you might read are my entries to our write-offs. We type it here because why not? Fun stuff.

This is kind of like... a sketchpad for writing? Most of these are raw, not thought through enough for me to be exactly posting anywhere, honestly, but I guess you and I can see how I practice and improve my writing over the course of these write-offs.

Since it is as such, every work is open to suggestions on how to improve or just simply feedback. Some of them feature my OC's, while some of them are just random pieces on random things. Some of them are in Filipino, too, and I'll try my best to put in a translation whenever I can.

So yea ! Thass abou' it ! Thanks for picking this up, tho I rly have no idea why. Paalam!

- Celine

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