Chapter One: Hiding From the Mean Men

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Antonin Koher was the town's freak. Everywhere he seemed to go people would stare and whisper, all thinking and speaking of his madness and odd ways. He wasn't mad; he wasn't even the slightest bit insane. No, he was a genius scientist. Though, he did where long billowing black cloaks and robes, spoke in an extremely thick Scottish accent, stayed secluded from others in his house upon the mountains peak, and only came into town on the occasion of buying odd chemicals and such for whatever experiment he was working on the given week, he wasn't as strange as he seemed. He had a theory. A theory that he spent every possible second on. Hybrids. His shaggy cabin up on the mountain was just full of his hypothesizes, tests, journals and drawings, ideas and attempts. But none of them came out right. He wanted a new type of human; one with the graceful moves and hearing and seeing advantages of a feline.

Antonin didn’t age well, all the stress and worry getting to him. He tried to make his new life form so  many times but the cells died before he could do anything with his research. At first, he assumed he had added too much DNA of the cat, it over running and killing the human cells but that didn’t seem to be the case. He appeared more in town after that, going to the pub and drinking away his stress before leaving, his cloaks shadowing his lanky body. He was 36 years of age but his appearance said otherwise. His hair was thinning and his eyes had dark bags under it but he didn’t care. He was getting closer to getting the hybrid to life. So, So very close.

Weeks turned to months, Months turned to years, years turned to a decade. But Antonin kept trying. He was a determined fellow, nothing was going to stop him. He was going to create a new species.

It was a muggy summer day, all the towns people miserable and lazing because the suns hot rays. But Old Antonin, he for sure wasn’t laying about. He was celebrating! For he had finally succeeded! He looked to the petri-dish that was in the incubator in awe, a foolish grin on his aged face. The cells were moving and multiplying, almost rapidly. At this rate, he’d have the first hybrid within three months. He stood from the rusty stool and spun, his cloak flying. No matter how hot, a cloak was what he wore. He pulled on his clunky shoes and left his home, going to the pub and getting himself piss drunk. Not that he cared. He was a success.

~*~*~After the three months*~*~*

Antonin looked down to the little bundle in his arms, this biggest possible grin on his face. He had done it. “Liam…Liam James Koher… ” He whispered, taking in his creation’s features. He was an adorable little boy, great big brown eyes, a little button nose, patchy curly hair and a bit of a lanky body. But, Antonin’s favorite part was the soft triangle ears the tiny baby had which were twitching in curiosity and his long fluffy tail, matching his ears and hair. He gazed fondly down upon the small baby in his arms, cradling him to his chest. He knew almost instantly that this boy was now his life. He was going to give this child everything he needed, love and affection, shelter and a home. He secured a dog tag around the child’s neck. It said a simple ‘Property of Antonin Koher.’ Liam was only his. No one was taking him or hurting him. He was going to protect the boy from the cruel world they were living in. 

And that’s exactly what he did. He raised the little hybrid like a son. But he kept him a secret. Sure, people had knew of his idea, and sure they thought it was insane. But what if the saw it, truly saw his little Liam, they’d be sure to get the real scientists would get involved and take his creation away. Antonin cared for Liam and taught the little boy, making sure he was always happy and cared for. Money was a constant problem so if that meant skipping a few meals to keep his baby fed, he didn’t even mind. The smile on Liam’s face was worth it. “Okay now Love, can you add these for me?” He asks, looking lovingly down at the now five year old hybrid. He homeschooled the lad now he was doing maths with the boy. Liam furrowed his brows and counted on his tiny fingers. “Six Daddy! Three and Three is six!”He exclaimed which made Antonin grin widely. “Yes, Yes, That’s right!” He praised ad ruffled the kitten’s hair. “You do the next ones, I’ll start on some dinner.” Liam nodded in obedience and went to his papers whilst Antonin started cooking some noodles. He put the noodles in a pot and turned the burner on, stirring while the water boiled.

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