Chapter Two

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Jingo's POV

I woke up early the next morning, groaning and sitting up, rubbing my head, the morning sunlight was just beginning to peek around the giant rock, everything was cold and dewy but I knew it wouldn't be cool for long, I packed up my stuff, looking up towards a sound, a cop car was coming, I got up, running to the car opening the door and dumping everything in the back on top of Viv, "get up, we need to go now!" I said gruffly, nudging her until she had done as I said. I turned on the engine, revving the engine and speeding off, dust flying up behind the car.

The gas tank was running low but I didn't care, we were almost at our destination, a rocky outcrop miles away into the prairie. I jumped out of the car, forgetting about Viv, she was no longer important to me, grabbing my belongings and sprinting, climbing up the outcrop and grabbing my beloved weapon from long ago in the great war, a panzershrek that I had stolen off the enemy, and boy did I know how to use it, exploding enemies together and shooting down low flying jets. I turned and aimed the barrel down at the cop car, shooting at it, snickering when instead I hit Tia's car, watching as it exploded into a fiery mess of schrapnel, grinning filthily down at it, oh well, it was the cop's problem now.

I turned my back on the explosion, going down into a hidden cave and wheeling out my motorcycle, kissing it, "long time no see, babygirl, I know you've missed me," I spoke to it, dusting off the decade's worth of dirt and dust, I tried the engine, hearing it start to rumble, leaving it for a minute to grab all my hidden belongings, packing them into the saddlebags on either side of the bike, by then the engine was running smoothly, purring like a giant cat, I got on her, revving the engine and driving down the path, letting out a cry for joy, accelerating towards my next landmark, the mountain ranges.

Once there I jumped off my bike, looking around, from memory I had some kind of hideout around here... I climbed up, finding an old concrete bunker and grinning, doing the pin code and entering the building and testing the power, the lights flickered on and I looked around, everything was exactly the same as I had left it, this gave me some hope for my future.

Tia's POV

I sped past the exploded car, there was no hope for anyone inside it, my primary suspect being a well known criminal, Jingo. I had only been in close contact with him once and all he did was try to hit on me despite me being his interrogator.

I followed his car at a distance, he didn't seem to notice me but I knew better. I parked behind his. car, grabbing my pistol and picking up my radio, as expected I was way out of range, I shivered at just the thought of being stuck out alone in the desert with this psychopath. With a gulp I started climbing up, looking around suspiciously, stepping in a trap, instantly getting pulled up into the air by my legs, smashing my head on a tree branch as I went up then everything went dark.

I woke up to the sound of chuckling, groaning and reluctantly opening my eyes,  screaming when I saw him.

Jingo's POV

I had just gone out to relieve myself when I spotted an officer hanging limply by her legs, I couldn't help but chuckle, reaching up and taking the weapons from her belt, looking straight up her cleavage when she woke up with a scream, her eyes wide with fear as she gazed directly down into my eyes.

"That's what you get for trying to jail me, I'm a free man, officer..." I looked at her badge,  "Tia," I smirked. "Pretty name by the way."

Tia's POV

I stared right down into his eyes, I saw evil in them but also something else... I think it was sadness, this was  psychopaths are not supposed to be able to feel. I  whimpered and kicked, "let me down you asshole!!" I shouted angrily. "Clearly you don't understand that I'm very high up in the police force, your ass is going to get caught soon, you'll be going to jail!"

Jingo's POV

I quirked an eyebrow in response, gazing up at this intruder, "asshole? Mhm, I think what you were trying to say was 'your majesty," only grinning wider when I saw her grimace and curl back in disgust.

In response I unzipped my pants and urinated on the ground right under her, letting out a relieved sigh, "oh and that's what I think of your 'high fucking position' in the police force..." With that I whipped out my knife, cutting the rope, watching as she landed straight into my arms, "don't struggle or I'll drop you in the piss," I warned her, carrying her into my bunker.

Tia's POV

I squealed when I fell, landing straight into the arms of my captor, immediately starting to struggle but going still when he threatened to drop me in his urine, doing my best to look brave as he carried me into the strange building, taking me down multiple flights of stairs that seemed to take around fifteen minutes. During the walk I did not fight him but I was plotting my escape, this jerk seemed to think he was the absolute bomb, I'll show him!

I was dropped on the floor in a bedroom and immediately got up, hissing at him and backing up into the room, my eyes blazing with anger.

Jingo's POV

I followed her in, smirking, "you really are a wild one... You're my little wild cat," I said, leaning against the doorframe, eyeing her short and curvy figure up and down, she had meat in all the right places, sky blue eyes and her gorgeous blonde long hair was fluffed up fo look like a lion's mane, a chubby belly, ass and breasts.
She was perfect for me.

"Now my little wildcat, you're probably thinking I'm going to kill you; though I have thought of it, I've decided that I want you to stay here with me and be my wife. We'll have a whole family together, you'll love it."

I saw her chest rising and falling heavily, damn she was so pissed off at me and it was giving me the biggest hard on. "I know you're probably tired so I'm going to leave you, get some rest," I muttered, turning off the lights, shutting and locking the door and going to my room that wasn't too far down the hall from her's.

Tia's POV

I laid awake in bed, staring at the dark ceiling. Just the thought of being his wife made my face pale and my stomach turn upside down. There was  no way that I was going to be letting him put his disgusting and filthy cock anywhere near me, let alone inside me, to him I was just a fucking breeding bitch, I'd rather die than live to experience what all his plans for me were.

Jingo's POV

I knew that Tia wouldn't be able to resist me forever, eventually she'd cave in and let me have my way. It'd just be a matter of time and patience until the time came.

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