Diaries 1 - Lilith Maxwell

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September 2nd, 2018

Dear Diary,

First day of year 11, and everyone is just as miserable as usual. Well, except for the teachers, but that will change as the year goes on and they will join us all in misery-ville. 

Sofia met me at the gate this morning as usual, from the way she kept starring at him, I guessed her crush on Lucas Muller. He was sat at our lunch table when I got there! I know she likes him, she likes people all the time, but they're never sat at our table not he first day. Sh must have seen in during the holiday to get lunch-table close to him. Looking back, I was probably a bit hard on him since I shooed him away instantly, but what I had to talk about was important goddamn it. 

Oh yeah, and I'm grounded, which is fair enough conquering what for, but I'll get onto that. Its is linked to what I had to tell Sof though. So in english I'm sat next to Peg. Peg's this really shy girl that never talks to anyone and we had to write these poems and she wrote this really deep poem, something about a tunnel and 'him' catching you. Well, being the novice phycologist that I am, alarm bells were ringing in my head. My first thought was maybe she has family issues, but then I thought maybe she's bullied. But that's stupid considering she's really strong and can beat anyone in a fight. There;s these rumours though, that go around about her. They say she's a criminal's daughter and she doesn't talk because she might give the game away for her parents and she isn't allowed to leave the house which is why no-one sees her outside of school. I thought it was a load of rubbish, personally, but still thought it was worth checking out so I explained to Sofia that I was going to investigate the warehouse she supposedly lives in on the other side of the river and debunk the rumours for her. Normally I get asked to do this kind of thing, but something about her just drew me in... 

What I did not expect, however, was for her to actually be there, with a full criminal operation in place like the rumours said. I'm not sure how I can disprove these rumours now since they're true, but I asked mum to help and then realised I told her where I'd been since I'd told her before i left that I was going to Sofia's place for homework. That's why I'm grounded.

Seriously though, that place was scary as shit. There was this blonde guy (who I think is Peg's Dad) and her threatened to kill me. He only let me go because my Mum apparently defended some friend of his and got him out of a big sentence. He said he'd owed my Mum and letting me go was his repayment. Then, because his debt was paid, he started threatening me again and told me never to tell anyone or anything. Hell, I probably shouldn't be writing this down right now but I had to get it off my chest or I won't be able to sleep. But I swear I am far from done with Peg. If anything this has only sparked more interest in me.

Note to self: Buy a new notepad, this is my first case of the year!

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