Chapter 16

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No one pov

At home, Yoongi pulled out his collection of post its and started writing small notes on them. Some included "Don't forget your purse dummy!" "Remember to off all the electricity in the house before going out!"

Yoongi got to Y/n's house and pasted all the notes at where Y/n would normally be, hoping that although he is not there with her, he still knows that Y/n is doing well. He spend the whole night writing the notes and pasting them all around the house. It was painful to do but he really wanted Y/n to be happy.

This is the only thing i can do for you now. Wish you all the best with Kookie and just forget me.... sorry for spoiling things between you and jungkook. Don't for me, i'll be fine. Thank you for treating me so well so good bye friend...
- yoongi

Yoongi placed that note right on Y/n's table. He left the house and packed his bags. He decided to go to the US to study more about music and maybe dance, wanting to upgrade himself as an artist.

Y/n pov

I reached home very late at night after discussing how to surprise Yoongi with Jungkook. I was so lethargic to the point that once i removed my shoes i jumped onto my bed. The day has been long and i honestly needed my sleep. However, i had to do my night skincare (a/n: idk what to call it). I lazily dragged my lazy bum out of the bed to wash up.
I walked over to the table to put on some moisturizing cream but i say something like a pink post it on the table.
How did that get on my table? Only Yoongi has the spare keys to my house... Did someone break into my house?

I read the post it and it wrote a very long message. (a/n: pls refer to the top)
I was shocked, my jaws just drop... I picked up my phone to call him but he did not pick up.

After all these time, he is going to leave me again... such a jerk.

I knew that i was suppose to be mad but my heart hurt too much. I contacted Jungkook and told him all about this. I had no choice, it was now or never.

Haii lovess 💙🙈 i updated finally 😅 sorry for the short chapter 🙇 hope yall still enjoyed it!! Next chapter soon 😄 pls check out the media 😂


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