Chapter 1

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I'm standing at my locker grabbing a few books when I'm approached by him... My high school crush, David. I have always been invisible to him at least that's what I thought. He steps up to my locker as I'm closing the door. Suddenly he grabs my hand and kneels. Slowly pressing his lips on my hand he looks up at me. He starts to speak...

"Wake up Lizzy"

Slowly reality sets in and I wake up. Opening my eyes I take in the sights of my own bedroom.

"You're going to be late" My mother calls from the kitchen. I tilt my head to become aware of what time I had woken up this morning. Looking upon the digital alarm clock at my bed side. It read 7:10.

"School..." I groan while sitting up so I wouldn't fall back asleep. I feel something brush against my legs. Startled I look down to find my cat staring at me with needful eyes.

"Morning Sam" I Greet the small white cat at my feet.

"Hurry now your friends will be here any moment" My mother yells worried I would be late again.

"Coming" I yell back getting off my bed and moving to the closet. I grab my uniform and run to the bathroom Sam swiftly following behind. He sits in his usual spot on the toilet while I dress.

"Are you hungry?" I ask finishing up by putting on my shirt

"Meow" He answers with the knowledge of those words meaning food. Leaving the bathroom and running down the stairs I find my mother in the kitchen with my lunch in hand. She starts listing off everything in the brown bag while I emptied a can of wet cat food for Sam.

"And I put a tuna fish sandwich in here for you" She finishes while handing me the bag.

"Thank you" I respond turning to head out the door.

"Have a great day" I hear closing the door behind me. I start down the sidewalk lunch in hand. I stop when I see two figures walking on the opposite side of the rode.

"Nicole! Andrew!" I call out to my friends before crossing the road.

"Wow look who's up early this morning" Nicole says sarcastically.

"Hey! At least we won't be late today!" I say in response to her teasing.

"Yeah today" She says with a mischievous smile. I just rolled my eyes and kept walking. Andrew pushes his glasses up his face and smiles at our childish behavior. We continue the walk to school together. Finally reaching the large brick building I let out a sigh.

"I swear they only made high school to heard drama" I say while watching two girls go at it surrounded by cheering students.

"Oh ho looks like Mr. Kline is gonna break up that fight" Nicole points out and we watch the buff werewolf walk between the two girls stopping the fight.

"Now now ladies! Why don't we settle this in the office" Mr. Kline Announces before dragging both girls off. Suddenly I feel the tapping on my shoulder. I turn around to Andrew pointing towards David. David was sitting on the fountain side talking to his best friend Chad.

"You should go say hi" Andrew suggests but the mere thought was enough to make me retreat.

"Nah I'm good..." I respond heading in the building.

The common area was large and where most of the lockers were. The office and principals were off to the side by the entrance. The school consisted of Humans, Werewolves, and Mifwa. Not very common sense usually they try to separate Humans from Werewolves and Mifwa. The school was founded in hopes that the three would learn to live peacefully together, but I fear it does the opposite. Some rules made for safety measures are often debated saying they are unfair. One rule in particular is that Werewolves and Mifwa are not permitted to use their "beast form" on school property. The term "beast form" is referring to the wolf form Werewolves can take and the cat form Mifwa can take. Its unusual that someone could take "beast form" in their high school age but there are some very rare exceptions. Werewolves and Mifwa let there ears and tails show for its more comfortable that way and it's easier for Humans to identify them.

I head towards my locker to grab my textbooks for class. 'David wouldn't like to talk to someone like me anyways' I think to myself. Before class started I headed to the restroom. Looking in the mirror to asses my complexion. I move the red strands of hair from my face.

'Look at me... red hair, green eyes, and not to mention the fact that I'm a Mifwa.'

Still fixing my hair. A girl with black hair and bright purple tips walks in with her two companions. The kind of people that have the opposite effect of what the school was founded on.

"Hahaha look whos it is" Amber says in her annoying snarky voice. "Why isn't it Lizzy, you know no matter how much you play with it you'll never be pretty hehehe." I sigh pushing past the three giggly girls and out the restroom. I wasn't looking where I was going and I ran into someone.

"Ouch" I call out hitting the floor. "Hey watch where you're going..." I look up to see David staring down at me.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"U- uh" I start to stutter and quickly get up off the floor.

"Um do you need the nurse?" He was becoming very worried by my actions.

"N- no I- I'm fine" I answer before running off so I would not embarrass myself anymore. What I didn't know is that Amber had seen it all and it didn't take long before she figured out my secret crush.

It was past noon and I was heading towards lunch when I see Amber looking at me with an evil smile then I see that she is with David. Both sitting at the same table she calls me over. Amber giggles before standing on her chair.

"Ahem everyone please listen I have an announcement."

I froze 'Oh god what now?'

She turns to me and as loud as possible says. "Lizzy Sharpmen is madly in love with David Rider!"

"W- what!" I look around the lunch room and see people who were obviously taping the whole thing. I couldn't even look at David. I was too scared, too scared of rejection. Balling my hands into fists I started to run. I didn't look back just ran, out of that room and out the school doors. I didn't stop running till I reached the fence surrounding my house. Gasping for air I try to make sense of what just happened.

"How, how did amber find out..." I felt tears starting to form and I couldn't hold back. Slowly sinking to the floor and resting my back against the fence I hugged my knees and cried.

Lizzy SharpmenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant