Chapter 2

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In a dark room I sit on my bed lost in thought. I didn't move from my trance state not even at the sound of Sam pawing at my door.

"Lizzy sweetie..." I hear my mother at the door "why don't you come down and eat?" I didn't respond. I wasn't hungry I didn't want to move from that spot. "Lizzy you haven't been to school in two days what's wrong?" No answer. "Alright I'll bring some food up... just tell me when you want to talk". And with that she left. The pawing also gone. I felt tears start to flow as I relived that moment in my head over and over again.

'How could I go back? Everyone knows.' I look in the mirror across the room. My ears drooped when I saw the messy hair and baggy tee. I looked awful but I felt worse. I thought about what amber said in the bathroom. Slowly I lifted my hand about to touch my hair when there was a knocking on my door.

"Lizzy? Its me Nicole... Andrew is here too..." There was a long pause. " I'm coming in ok?" I kept silent as the door slowly opened and light crept in. Nicole took one look at me before she grabbed Andrew and threw him out closing the door.

"Lizzy you should have said you were indecent!" She started to scold me while rummaging through my drawers. She pulled out a pair of pj bottoms and threw them towards me.

"Come on now stop moping."

'She is right I can't hide in here forever no matter how tempting it is.' I got up to change when Nicole pulls me into an embrace.

"I'm here for you." She says moving away from the embrace to look me in the eyes. "So is Andrew but he's not allowed to see you right now." She laughs while I quickly pull on the pj bottoms.

    Deciding it was ok for Andrew to come in Nicole opens the door. "Hey it's fine to come in now."

"Thank you." He says with a nod walking past her. "Wow you look beat." Nicole punches him in the arm for being rude. "Ow!" I weakly started to laugh at the two of them but stopped at the sound of my stomach growling.

"We need to get you some food!" Nicole says in her excitable voice. "Andrew go down and make her a good meal." Nicole orders.

"Right!" Andrew swiftly walks out of the room.

"Now tell mama Nicole all that's wrong." She sits down next to me and I try to explain the situation.

    A few minutes later Andrew walks in with a pile of pancakes. "Pancakes fix everything." He says handing me the plate of hotcakes.

"That and your home cooked meals." I take a bite. "Mmm. This is delicious!"

"Thank you." He says with a bow.

Nicole who was currently looking at her phone began to wave us over. "Guys you need to see this..." Moving over to where Nicole was sitting I look at the video on the phone screen.

"High school student called out for secret crush?" I read out loud the title of the video watching as the nightmare plays on the screen. Video of the event had been posted online. "Who... who posted this?"

"Austin one of the football players." Andrew answers me, pointing out the uploaders id.

"I'M GOING TO BEAT HIM DOWN!" Nicole screams standing up from her spot "I'M GOING TO FIGHT AMBER AND MAKE HER PAY!"

I reach up and grab her arm. "Nicole no! It's not worth it... please." She slowly starts to calm down sitting down once again. "It doesn't matter I didn't have a chance with David anyways."

"Why wouldn't you? Your an amazing person, you're beautiful and you have a kind heart. Who wouldn't want a girl like you?" Andrew looks me in the eye. "Don't give up."

"You just need a confidence boost!" Nicole jumps up again. "And I know just the thing."

"You do?" I look at her concerned.

"Yes I do!" Nicole grabs my arm pulling me towards the bathroom.

"What are we-"

"MAKEOVER!!!" She says her eyes sparkling. Nicole sets me down in the bathroom before setting up all her hair equipment and makeup. "Now let mama Nicole fix you up real nice and pretty." She says before beginning her work.

    A few hours later and Nicole finally lets me see the damage. To my surprise the person in the mirror was neither ugly nor recognizable. "Is... Is that me?" I say leaning in the mirror for a closer look. My hair looked healthier and layers could be seen. The natural waves were bright and confident. I wore natural shades of makeup that complemented my hair and eyes.

"Of course!" Nicole says proud of her work. She turns to open the door. Holding it open she stood like a butler. "This way princess." She giggles.

"Why thank you." I say with a curtsy before leaving the bathroom. We both head to my room where Andrew is sitting on my bed still observing Nicole's phone.

"Well? What do you think?" Nicole asks. Andrew looks up from the phone and a big smile is seen across his face.

"Amazing!" He gets up and walks to me. "How do you feel now?"

"Confident I guess..." I answer slightly confused.

"Well good cuz your gonna need to if you want to talk to David." he says with a smirk.

"W- what! I can't do that!" I say nearly having a heart attack at the idea.

"I think that's a wonderful idea! Right after I beat Amber to the ground." Nicole says balling her hand into a fist.

"NICOLE!" I yell at her. "No fighting!"

"Fine..." she says with a sight pout.

"I'll go to school tomorrow but if anyone says anything about that day I'm leaving." I threaten looking at the clock. "Shouldn't you two be at school?"

"Yes but Nicole here insisted we skipped in order to cheer you up." Andrew says looking at Nicole.

"And aren't I glad I did!" She says gleaming with pride and joy. "The school day should be ending soon soooo let's go to the park!"

"I don't know... won't we get in trouble?" I ask

"Yeah... but like I said the school day is almost over!" She says walking to the window. "Plus look how nice it is!" She pulls open the curtains.

"I guess I'd like to climb a tree or two..." I look at Andrew then back to Nicole. "Sure why not? let's go."

Nicole lets out a whoop of excitement and starts to go through my closet. "Andrew the door is over there let the princess dress in peace." she says still in the closet.

"On it!" Andrew replies leaving the room. I let out a sigh as I sit on my bed. Nicole lays down some skinny jeans, a thin gray shirt made of soft material and a blue scarf to accessorize. When I finished dressing we both walked down stairs where Andrew was waiting.

"Let's go!" Nicole says with excitement. We all left the house and made our way towards the park.

Lizzy SharpmenWhere stories live. Discover now