boxers & blondies

26 4 2

"...are you here with me?"


"...what the hell?"

dan woke up to the obnoxious sound of the doorbell ringing throughout his apartment. but he did not want to get up. at all. never did in his entire life to be honest. yet the loud shrill of the doorbell that was buzzing repeatedly and had been for the past five minutes, pushed daniel to the edge as he lifted himself from his messy bed to answer the door. he looked at his reflection in the oh so dirty mirror that definitely needed to be cleaned, and saw that his black hair was sticking out in all directions and there was drool stuck to the bottom of his cheeks. even worse, dan was only in his boxers which were bright neon green with mustaches sprinkled here and there. but dan just thought, "ah well. it's probably not anything important..." 

as he made his way past tables with sketches and numerous cups of coffee scattered about and his ivory coloured walls with paintings and photographs hammered upon the stretch of white separating him from the world, daniel was surprised to find that he actually wasn't tired for once. memories of the mysterious blonde boy dancing in the field last night bubbled up in his brain. he recalled slight drops of rain drizzling lightly from the cloudy night sky above, making the blonde curse, frantically grab his speaker and run to find shelter, still mouthing the words to the loud music filling the air. dan couldn't see where the boy dashed off to, so he shuffled back to bed and curled up into the warmth of his several blankets in hope of dozing off to get at least a few hours of sleep. a couple minutes later, dan heard a soft tune of a very familiar song playing from what it seemed like the apartment next to him, the same song the blonde boy was blasting out on the field. huh. what a coincidence. daniel remembers the song that he can't quite recall the name of and the harsh pitter patter of autumn rain against his window pane lulling him to sleep... 

he was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realise that the door was wide open and he was intensely staring into a flowy grey shirt directly in front of him. daniel gulped and slowly lifted his gaze to meet the eyes of...


it's the blonde boy. 


he was standing in front of a total stranger. looking an absolute mess. in his boxers.

that's just fab. 

dan slowly gulped, trying to find his voice as his heart beat hard against his ribs, most likely trying to make its way out to the boy standing in front of him. the blonde quickly scanned the owner of the apartment next to him, from his face half covered in drool, then down to his chest and past his flat little tummy, eyes travelling down to... oh. blondie quickly averted his eyes from the vibrant fabric down there, becoming flustered as he felt his cheeks burn up in shame. instead, he waved his hand in front of  dan's face, looking for any signs that this guy was still alive... in which he found none. so blonde came to the conclusion that his new neighbour was most probably a vampire. yes. definitely a vampire. 

"um ... hi? c-can i help y-you?"  dan managed to squeak out, cursing at himself for sounding so stupid in front of random stranger who also looked like a freaking greek god. bouncing on the balls of his feet, dan studied the boy's face as he opened his mouth to give a response. "damn.." dan thought, scanning everything from his eye smile to the small slope of his nose, wanting to etch every detail into his brain for he looked too goddamn perfect to be be real. 

"well yes.. hello! my name is victor and you see I live just next door so I thought we could be buddies ya know? what's your name? can we get to know each other better? may I come in? from the looks of it your apartment is way snazzier than mine how did you-"

"jesus christ this boy talks too much," dan thought to himself as the blonde boy who was apparently called victor blabbered on about how he wanted to make his dull apartment prettier by getting fancy furniture but the only place he knew where to get them was ikea but every time he step foot in there he would get completely lost within five minutes and jeez.

cutting victor off, dan took a deep breath and tried to speak in the most suave voice possible...

"yeah so my name's daniel nice to meet you."

dan cringed at how lame his attempt at seeming cool went as another squeaky awkward sentence tumbled from his lips, but victor just giggled making his smile appear and eyes almost squish  themselves shut forming little crescent moons, oblivious to the way dan's heart fluttered as he observed the blonde in front of him. 

"well danny boy, do ya mind if i come in and we can get to know each other a bit, yeah? i mean you seem really nice and all..." 

dan scoffed internally.

"...and I saw you watching me from your window last night while i was uhh, having some fun out on the fiel-"

and with that little danny boy slammed the door shut.

a/n: well i'm cringing so hard reading this but ah well i'm pretty proud of it nonetheless. sorry its quite short, i had more planned for this chapter but i felt like it would be more fun to cut it off here. also sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes or anything because i didn't proofread, so if you can spot any please tell me. thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed this chapter and yeah bai boios.

p.s. bts' cover of come back home has me jungshook i'm farting

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