Mysterious Things Part 3

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Nichole was nearly out of breath trudging up the four flights of stairs to find Sean's book. Her curiosity was so deep she hadn't noticed the elevator at all until she was finally resting on the fourth floor banister. Just great she whispered and rolled her eyes. All these years and no one ever thought to maybe put up and elevator sign? Nichole sighed as she entered the room of secrets. Finally! The broad bookshelf was in plain view as she entered the open doors. It reached the 12 ft. ceilings which looked to be higher than that. There was a ladder to reach the books up top. This should be easy and it was up until the book was opened. It was obvious that all the blank pages meant that Sean had hidden his big book of secrets some place else. As if he could sense her whereabouts. He was there, leaning against the frame of the doorway with that annoyingly sexy smirk. Yeah, my brother thinks he knows everything. If you want to get to know me Nichole, just talk to me. I closed the blank paged book I was holding and placed it on the desk. Are you always this way? Yes Nichole. I am always this handsome, thanks for noticing. Nichole rolled her eyes. This eye rolling thing was becoming a pattern in this house. Take me home....Now! She shouted as she walked past him and down the long staircase. I told ya! You are home, so you'd better get used to it doll. She could hear his voice echoing throughout the house. They can't stop me. I'll leave when I want, she thought. In fact I could walk down these stairs and right out the front door. Her brown eyes were determined and zoned in on the door locks. She played it cool knowing Sean was still lingering upstairs and Adam, well she didn't know where Adam was but she didn't hear any movement. The last step became a blur as she made a leap for the door. Turned both of the heavy locks simultaneously, swung it back the ridiculously tall doors and ran through them. She did it. She made it out of there. Nichole's heart was pumping faster and faster as the speed she felt compelled her to keep moving. it wasn't until she turned back to look at the castle that she realized how impossible it was for her to be at such a distance in a matter of a minute. Still running, she wondered why it suddenly felt so intense on such a beautiful sunny day. Something was wrong. She felt strange, if the smoke surrounding her wasn't a give away. A darkly cloaked Sean screaming to get out of the sunlight as he ran toward her should have been. A second later her body shut down and the last thing she remembered was being swooped up. 

She could hear talking. Sean and Adam sat across from her, not looking very happy. Are you crazy? Sean couldn't contain himself. You could have died you know? Wait....what? No Sean. I don't know. What the heck are you talking about? Sean stood up and started pacing. When he didn't say anything else Adam walked over to the sofa where she'd been passed out for the last twenty minutes. Listen Nichole. We didn't tell you because quite frankly we thought your memories would have been restored by now. She sat up straight, leaning in to listen closely. We thought we had more time Nic. Sean chimed in. What didn't you tell me Adam? Both brothers look at one another. Adam cleared his throat. Nichole....You're a Vampire.

Was this her life now? Vampire girl and sister like princess held up in some ancient castle with two men who definitely had major issues. One of those issues having to do with being creatures of the night. Wait she thought. I'm one of those night creatures. Nichole buried her face into the pillows and screamed. What kind of madness was this? What kind of nightmare had she woken up to? Tears easily soaked the pink laced pillow she still held pressed to her face as she yanked the matching blankets over her head hoping never to come out again, that is until she woke up to the life she'd remembered before all this crap of a story began to unfold. What the heck was she supposed to do as a vampire? Sure her own personal big book of Vampire tales was sitting on the desk in the room she currently occupied. How was that book going to help her right now? The girl in the book was someone totally different from the Nichole that woke up on the front lawn of castle Shroudere. 

Her mind was racing. Was she just supposed to lay in bed and accept this doom and gloom abyss? Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft tap on the door. Still alive in there Queen of the night? Oh, right of course you are. You're immortal. It was Sean...Great she whispered. Heard that Nic! I hear everything. She rolled her eyes and sat up. What do you want Sean? You need to eat something Nic. I'm not hungry now please go away. Of course Sean did no such thing. Are you going to stand outside my door all night or what? Please he exaggerated! I wouldn't dare. In the next second Sean broke the hinge on the door, sat the door aside like it was a piece white cardboard and casualyl hopped up into the bed next to Nichole. Propping his head up with his hand to better see her. He smiled. Sitting out there in the hall all night? Don't think so Nic. Right here next to you all cuddled up in cozy is just perfect don't you think? He grinned and flashed those piercing blue eyes and Nichole thought she might faint right there in front of the arrogant so and so. She quickly got out of bed and walked over to the window. What's the problem Nic? Come on I don't take up much space. When she didn't comment he calmly walked over to her.

Look I know you think you had this family. No Sean I didn't think. I know I have a family and they are waiting for me. He took a deep breath and laid a hand on her shoulder. Please don't touch me. Sean bit his lip. Nic, I'm not here to hurt you. I want to protect you. Adam and I want to protect you. With your memories gone. There is so much you need to know. So many things you have to be careful of. "I don't want to be careful Sean"! she snapped back. I don't know you, she cried out. I don't know this place and I just want to go home. Her tears kept coming until Sean was a watery blur standing next to her. He couldn't take it. Couldn't see her so upset. Listen. I'm going to help you. I'll take you home Nic. I'll take you back to the family you remember. Really? She whispered. I can go home? He sighed. Yes Nic. You can go back home. She hugged him for the first time since her memory loss and it felt right as always. He held her close not knowing if he would get another moment like this one. Sean stared out of the over sized window, they'd been standing by and looked out into the distance toward the cemetery. She wasn't going to be happy he thought but it was the only way to get her to see the truth.

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