What the Hell?

18 0 7


Everything hurts. My feet hurt. My face hurts. My brain hurts. My eyes hurt. My arms and legs hurt. Everything feels as if it's being ripped off of my body, jammed back on, and ripped off again. And it's a never-ending cycle.

Apparently I have a concussion. And a broken arm. A broken ankle. Three broken ribs. And finally, a fractured wrist on my unbroken arm.

Oh yeah, I can't forget to mention that my parents are dead and my sister is nowhere to be seen! Great life for a ten-year-old!

"When can I leave this place?" I groaned in my hospital bed, the bright lights shining in my eyes.

"Well, you can't move on your own, so it looks like not for a while." Dr. James replied. I rolled my eyes. I don't see what Stacey sees in that Ellie girl. How can they be so close when she's related to this fun-killer woman who won't let me do anything? "How about you watch some TV?"

"Fine," I mumbled. "Maybe a good rerun of the Yankees will be on." I grabbed the remote and pressed the power button.


I tried it again and put in the channel number.

Not even a flash on the screen.

"It's not working!" I grumbled, turning it on again. This time, there was static.

"That's weird," Dr. James said. "Let me see it." I handed the remote to her, and she tried it again.


The heavy downpour of rain started to make me freak out. I mean, come on! I'm just a ten-year-old boy who had both his parents killed and was injured in a storm, so I have a reason to be bothered by it!

Dr. James jumped into the air suddenly, landing on her feet and creating a splashing sound. I looked down to see water flooding the room quickly.

"Shoot, we're being flooded!" She exclaimed. "Here, let me call my husband so we can evacuate all of the patients. She dialed a number on her cell phone while I tried not to freak out. "There's no signal! We have to get out of here!"

"How?" I cried out, worried for my life. I didn't want to get hurt in a storm again! "I can barely move!"

She quickly unhooked my IV from my arm, ripping out the needle. A trickle of blood was dripping down my forearm. She lifted me into the air, throwing me across her back. She pushed the doors in front of her open with her foot as we skid down to her car. Mud drenched her legs and part of my feet.

She shoved me into the backseat and slammed the door. "Ow!" I exclaimed, hitting my head on the other side door.

"Quit your crying!" She yelled at me as she leaped into the driver's seat. "Or I'll throw you out into the streets!"

I bit my lip to stop myself from replying. I didn't know what to say to that. A doctor was threatening me! Weren't they supposed to be caring?

Apparently not.

We drove away from the flooding hospital in the muddy streets of Bunker Hill. As soon as we were far away from the hospital, I couldn't control myself.

"You're a horrible doctor, you know that right?"

Worst. Mistake. Ever.

She stopped the car right next to a tall, rotting building. I froze in my spot as she got out and opened my door. She ripped off my casts with a knife and her bare hands, threw my head against the hard back of the driver's seat, and then the world went black.

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