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Calum: "When we first met, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I still think that and I know that you think I'm the worlds biggest dork. But I'm okay with you thinking I'm a dork because the best part is that I'm your dork.I love how you can bring out the best in me no matter what the circumstances are and I love how you tell me I can do the same for you. I promise that I will be the best of a husband I can, telling you every day what I love about you because there are endless things that I love about you. I promise daily to not give you a fuss over anything, and I promise daily to remind you how you're my world. I promise to be a better father to our children then yours was to you, and I promise to be a better man then all of the ones that you've encountered in your life. And lastly, I don't want to be the reason you have smeared mascara, I want to be the reason why you have smeared lipstick. I want, and will be your everythin

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