chapter 5

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated this story! I been trying to work very hard on my other story. I promise I'll update more!


Charlie And I been hanging out every day after school. We try to hang out on the weekends but it's been hard with my dad. He's always asking if I'm staying away from him. Of course I say yes.

It's a cloudy, rainy day after school on Friday when Charlie asks me if we could go somewhere private to talk. We go to a park a couple miles out of town so no one could see us. We sit down on swings, he looks super nervous so I take his hand and smile.

"What do you want to tell me?" I ask him smiling.

"I-I...the first day I started school, you asked me questions and I wasn't honest."

"That's okay! I know I asked you a lot of questions, sorry."

"No Ellen, you're not getting what I'm trying to tell you. Everything I told you was a freaking lie."

I let go of his head and look at him. What was he saying?

"Before I moved here, I lived in Kansas..."

WAIT WASN'T JAMES KILLED IN KANSAS? My face goes pale, wondering if Charlie was the one who killed James Roznowski.

"I use to be a really bad person Ellen. I got drunk, I did drugs, I messed around with girls. I got myself in a deep trouble with a guy James-"

HOLY CRAP NO! MY DAD WAS RIGHT. I feel really dizzy. I don't know what I should say to this.

"-Roznowski. I didn't follow through my promise with him. He got super pissed, he came after me, Ellen. I didn't know what to do. I was a freaking drunk loser. I freaked out and I stabbed James."

Even though I don't know James, I just start to sob. Why was I so stupid falling for Charlie? I thought we were becoming closer, but now Charlie is just a stranger to me. I can't do this right now, not ever. His words keep sinking into my head.

I stabbed James

I stand up, and walk over to my car. Charlie is calling out my name but I don't listen. All I hear is 

   I stabbed James...

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