Chapter 18: Quick Trips

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"She was heated." Sonna said laughing. "I didn't mean to step in but she was trying it and I could see and feel that you were upset."
"I was getting upset. I have a temper, I guess I should tell you that now."
"I can be sort of a hot head too. I'm usually okay for the most part, but when something upsets me I can get a bit crazy."
"Mine is more than that, but I try to stay calm."
"Well that's good, would you like to get started on dinner?" Sonna asked.
"Yes, fatty momma. You want a drink? I have some pineapple Ciroc, Hennessy and some Tequila I brought back from Mexico."
"I'd love to, but I have to drive home. I don't drink and drive."
Mia looked at her, "Well I don't really want you to leave tonight. Can you stay? We don't have to sleep in the bed together, you can sleep in the guest room. I just wouldn't be ready for you to leave yet."
Sonna thought about it and then said, "Can I have a tequila and pineapple juice please?" Smiling.
Mia's white perfect teeth shined at Sonna, "Of course you can."
As Mia cooked they went shot for shot, talking, and getting to know each other some more. Because Sonna was so small it was easy for her to get drunk, though she was trying to take her time.
"How old are you?" She asked slurring her words.
Laughing she said, "I'm 27." Sonna's eyes widened.
"Are you seriousssss? You don't look like it."
"Fatty momma, are you drunk?
Sonna shrugged, "Possibly, are you?"
"Slightly, you're gorgeous you know."
"Am I really? Thank you."
"You know you're gorgeous. Come on, you have to know."
"Well, I don't see me how other people see me."
"What do you mean?" Sitting up better to get a better look at her.
"Simply speaking, society is focused on the thick, big breast, fat ass women you know? Preferably light skin and things of that nature." She said pulling the mac and cheese out of the oven. "I look nothing like those girls."
"I understand what you mean by that. But honestly Sonna, you're one of the most beautiful girls I've met. You have good energy, you're naturally stunning and though, we've just met recently I can tell you have a good heart. You don't need all that extra stuff when you have what you have."
Sonna couldn't help but just smile, "Thank you Mia, that really made me feel a lot better." Handing her a drink she said "Take this shot." Mia took the drink, "Are you ready to eat?"
"I've been ready, but I'll make our plates. You relax." Sonna insisted.
"Okay, I'll put something on the TV and roll up." Sonna's mouth was literally watering, Mia really out did herself with this meal. Mia allowed her to taste the food as she went along. The mac and cheese was her favorite.
"Miaaaaa this is sooo good!" She said, words slurring.
Cracking up she said "Fatty momma come on, sit with me." Sonna walked over and took her seat, placing Mia's plate on the table.
Sonna sparked the L, putting it in Mia's mouth.
"What do you want to watch?"
"I don't know." Sonna said with a mouth full of food.
"Is it good?"
Sonna looked at her like 'Bitch now you know it's good'.
"Well I just wanted to ask." Chucking at her. She could tell she was enjoying her food because she was quiet.
"So, when is your next day off?" Sonna asked.
"Well I'm on vacation until after the New Years. So my first day back is January 2nd."
"What are you doing for New Years?"
"I'm not sure......Lets go to New York."
Sonna stopped eating and looked at her, "Are you serious?"
"Yeah, lets go. My treat."
Laughing she said "Its not about the money, but it's such short noticed."
"No it's not, We can run to your place tonight, move all your clothes to your new place, pack and then tomorrow afternoon we can make our way to NYC."
"Okay, but where will we stay?"
"I have that all covered."
"Fine let's do it."
Sonna and Mia ordered a uber since they were both pretty drunk and headed over to the suite to get all her clothes together. Sonna was excited, she loved the atmosphere of New York but to spend New Years there would be a first for her.
Once they arrived to the suite they looked around, realizing that they should have thought this through.
"Fatty Momma, you have a lot of shit." Mia said while running her fingers through her locs.
"It's just my clothes." Wondering if she's trying to convince herself or Mia. She did have a lot of stuff. "Okay, New plan. I'm going to call my sisters and then we can go from there. It's going to be a party." She sent a message to the group message Sade and Issa.
"What are y'all doing?"
Issa: "Watching Tv. Wyd?
Sade: "Nothing. You?"
Sonna: "Okay good ya'll bitches not doing shit. But I need a favor, Issa you got the wheel? Or does Bae have it?"
Issa:" Fuck that nigga. Yeah, I got my shit."
Sonna: "Okay, So remember that fine ass nurse from the hospital? Mia?"
Issa: Yes, I remember green eyed devil.
Sade: Yeah
Sonna: "Great, So we've been getting to know each other these passed couple of weeks. Long story short she wants to take me to NY for New Years but I have to move out of here tomorrow, but we're suppose to leave tomorrow. Everything is packed but our cars are at her place because we were drinking and we took Uber's back to the suite without thinking it through. Sooo, Issa and Sade y'all wanna come over to help me move and I can go to NY with potential baby momma tomorrow? Pleaseeeeee!"
Issa: Bitch, she's cute as fuck. Yeah, I'm on my way. Sade get ready.
Sade: My bitch dating a nurse? That sounds like money. Fuck yeah! Lol"
Sonna: I love y'all. See y'all when y'all get here!
Those two never let her down, she knew it was such short notice. But they came through for her.
"Okay, they're on their way. See, how it worked out."
"Yeah, come here." Mia said reaching out to Sonna holding her real close. Her locs smelled so good, like coconuts.
"Your hair smells good." Sonna said laying her head on Mia's chest. Sonna was about 5'4 and Mia was 5'7, Sonna felt safe in her arms. She really liked Mia even though she really wasn't trying to.
"Give me a kiss."
Sonna reached up placing her lips on Mia's. "Oh God, they're so soft", She said to herself. Really getting into it wrapping her arms around her neck. Mia picked her up, wrapping her legs around her, walking over to the kitchen counter and sitting her on top of it. Both knew they weren't about to have sex because it was way too soon.
Sonna pulled back biting her lip, Mia leaned in giving her one more quick kiss on her lips.
"I don't want to stop kissing you." She said sizing Sonna up like she was about to devour her.
"Well you have to because we have to get these boxes together. Issa just text me saying she's outside so let's take a few boxes down to pack the truck up."
They picked up a couple boxes and headed down stairs. Walking out the door, Sonna realized it was a function in the Great room that was on the first floor of the building but before going in they put the boxes in the car, and introduced her to her sisters.
"Ladies, you remember Mia right?"
Laughing they said "Yeah, we remember her." Giving Sonna a sneaky look, she rolled her eyes at them.
"Mia, this is Issa and this is Sade." They shook hands.
"Hey Ladies."
"Hiii Miaaaaa." They said in unison, they're assholes.
Inside they Great room the Black Student Union was holding a game night.
"Hey Sonna." Someone said speaking to Sonna, the voice came from behind her. It was Eeryn, Ashanti's best friend. Sonna didn't want to see Eeryn either but she was happy Ashanti wasn't with her.
"Wassup E. How are you?"
"I'm chilling. Wassup with you and my best friend?"
Sonna laughed, "I mean, are we playing stupid now?"
Just then Ashanti walked in with some girl. Ashanti bitches were never up to part. This one wasn't so bad, but she still wasn't on her level.
Issa and Sade bursted out into laughter. Sonna gave them a look like "Act right."
"There goes your friend right there." Sonna said pointing. "Come on y'all, let's go."
Sonna was real life bothered, who the hell was that girl. Mia could tell too. She wasn't happy about that.
"Y'all ready to get this show on the road?" She asked Mia, Issa and Sade. The group headed up stairs, going up and down on the elevator packing up the truck. Good thing it only took them two trips from the suite to her new apartment.
Sade and Mia stayed back while Issa and Sonna made the trips.
"I really like your friend." Mia said to Sade.
"I know I can tell. I hope your intentions with her are what you say they are."
"I know she's still stuck on her ex somewhat but I think I can get her passed it."
"She's not stuck on her, but she doesn't understand how someone could hurt her like that. She's a good girl and a good person. She doesn't deserve any heartache."
Mia didn't give a response but she let what Sade said sit in her mind. She was going to show Sonna how she should be treated.
"We're backkkkk." Issa said walking into the empty suite. It was time for them to retreat back to Mia's place.
"Thank you guys for coming through for me on such short notice. I appreciate y'all. "Sonna said getting out of the car, giving both of them hugs.
"Nice meeting you again Mia." Sade said, of course there was something hidden behind that after the conversation they just had but Mia simply replied with a "Same to you."
It was almost 2am when they got back at Mia's. They decided to just pack in the morning.
"Are you sleepy baby?" She asked Sonna.
"No, I'm tired but I just think I need to relax."
I'm about to roll up, are you hungry? You want me to make you a plate?"
Sonna started laughing, "No Mia, I'm fine." Just then she got a text. It was from Ashanti.
"Why did you leave? That's who you're talking to now?"
"I didn't want to see you. What difference does it make. You were there with someone else too."
"Why not? Babygirl, why are you acting like this?"
"Acting like what Ashanti? That's who you left me for right, that's who you wanted. "
"Sonna it's not like that."
"Let me talk to you later." Sonna was tired of the games with Ashanti. Instead of being mean to her she figured they needed to finally talk things out but now wasn't the time.
"I know I said you could sleep in the guest room but you're sleeping with me."
She chuckled, "Okay, but do you have something for me to sleep in? I want to take a quick shower."
"Yeah, I'll give you something. Come on, we're going up." Mia handed her some little shorts and a t-shirt and put the clothes that she had on in the washer machine.
Sonna stepped into the shower letting the water run all over her body, she shouldn't have let her hair get wet but she wasn't really concerned with it. The water pressure was amazing. Ashanti was on her mind but she knew it was wrong to think about her while with Mia. She prayed Mia's intentions were legit because she was really starting to like her. She got all soapy, washed up and got out. She dried off and put on the clothes Mia gave her.
"What are you doing?" She said walking out of the bathroom.
"Nothing, waiting for you. You look cute."
"Oh course I do. I'm in your clothes."
"Can we talk about something?"
Sonna knew what it was about. "Yes, what's on your mind?"
"I really like you, and I want this to go somewhere. But I don't want my time to be wasted, I'm too old. I know you have some issues with your ex but do you think that could hinder you from moving on?" Mia was serious as a heart attack. Truth was Sonna wasn't actually sure, but in her heart she just wanted to move on.
"No, I really like you too and I want this to go somewhere as well Mia. You're not trying something new alone."
Mia leaned in giving her a nice soft kiss. The two sparked a L and smoked before the fell asleep laying all over each other.

Chapter 19 will be available soon.

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