My Lover Boy(s): Eight

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"Jackson! Hey!"

A hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. Gavin.

"I, uh, was wondering if you wanted to uh," he paused and rubbed the back of his neck and looked anywhere but me "To hang out sometime?"

"You mean like a date?" I love messing with nervous guys, it really is a talent.

"What? Oh uh I guess, unless!" He shuffled from foot to foot "You don't want it to be. It can like, uh, be whatever you want it to be." He rambled on

"Yes, Gavin I'll "hang" out with you." With a wink I turned on my heel and walked away.

"So what were you and little ol' Gavey-boy want?" The three walked towards me in sync, a smile playing on their features.

"Oh ya'know, he just wanted to "hang out"." I raised my fingers in quotation marks and small smirk made its way to my face.

"You mean bang out?" Daniel laughed and held his hand up for a high five which he didn't get. "Gah, you have no sense of humor." He muttered and retreated his hand.

"We do, you just suck at puns." Carter shrugged and patted his twins back.

Why is the sexiest boy in this dàmn school an idiot, lordy jesus.

We went our separate ways and I made my way to Movie Directing.

I haven't been in this class since my first day, boy did I not miss this at all.

"Ah, Jackson, welcome back. Please put your phone on silent and no spoilers, thank you." I still haven't learned her name.

"What's you're name again?"

"Ms. Winsworth"

Holy Gage, Winsworth.

"Erm, as in Gage Winsworth?"

"He's my niece, why? I haven't seen him in a few years, do you know him?"

If only you knew.

"I uh, I did. Can I be excused, please." I begged as I was already out the door.

I cannot do this today, not ever.


"Please Theresa, just a bit longer! I'm begging you!"

"Gage, you have four days to get you crap together or I'm telling him you faked your death. He's hurt no he's broken. He loves you, yesterday he drew the most beautiful portrait of you at school and it's smudged with tears. He came home tears rubbing down his face because of a drawing. Gage you are an amazing boy and I cannot keep thi-"

"Mom I'm, Gage?"

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