i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me)

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   after waiting and planning for weeks, it was finally happening. Senior Prom. Jeremy had asked Michael to prom weeks prior, and they spent what felt like forever picking out outfits ("Jeremy our outfits have to match! no, don't pick that one, that's the same suit i have!") and figuring out how to get there ("can we pleeeaaase have a limo?" "ugh fine").  but all the trouble was going to be worth it (at least they both it was going to be.) 

   it was finally prom night, and Michael was in the bathroom (i promise it's not like the song he's just getting ready) trying to get his hair to cooperate with him. he was wearing a shiny maroon tux with a navy blue tie and a white dress shirt. he was in there for what felt like hours (it was really only about half an hour), when he heard his dad say from downstairs "Michael, the limo is here!" Michael sighed. 'well, i guess it won't matter how my hair looks, it's probably fine.'

  "coming!" he yelled, running down the stairs to the door. "bye Dad, love you!" he hugged his dad and started out the door. his dad smiled "love you too Michael. have a good time!" Michael closed the door behind him and found a limo outside waiting for him. he could see Jeremy inside and he waved at him. he walked towards the limo, climbed inside, and closed the door.

   the car pulled away from Michael's house and Jeremy leaned towards Michael and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "hey." god, even after dating for for two years, Jeremy still managed to make Michael flustered whenever he kissed him. he could feel a blush and a smile creeping onto his face. "hey." 'god, he's so adorable,' Jeremy thought. "Michael, you did a really nice job picking out outfits, you look absolutely amazing." if it was possible, Michael's face turned an even darker shade of red. "uh, oh, um, th-thanks, you look amazing too." Jeremy was wearing a shiny navy blue suit with a maroon tie and a white dress shirt. Jeremy laughed. "so, how do you feel about going to prom?" Michael could feel anxiety bubbling inside him. 'no, not now,' he thinks to himself. "i, uh, i feel a little nervous." Jeremy gave him a hug and then pulled and put their foreheads together. "listen Michael. you're ok. everything is going to be fine. if something goes wrong, i promise i'll be there for you. ok?" Michael moved his head slightly to indicate a nod. he felt calmer now. "ok." Jeremy pulled away. "good."

   they finally arrived at the highschool. Jeremy thanked the limo driver and opened the door for Michael as he stepped out. Jeremy closed the door, the limo drove away, and the two boys were left there to stare at the school. there were a lot of people there, and they could see lights flashing and hear music playing. Michael could feel himself getting anxious again. Jeremy noticed and took his hand. "i'm gonna make sure you have the best time, Michael, i won't let anything happen to you." Michael gave him a look of thanks, and they walked into the school.

   right when they walked in, they could both see just how many people were there. Jeremy squeezed Michael's hand in reassurance and smiled at him. Michael gave him another squeeze back. "hey, let's see if we can find Jake and Rich, then we can maybe get some punch ir something, yeah?" Michael nodded, and they began to search the dance floor for Jake and Rich.

   it was pretty hard to find the two, with all the people dancing and yelling and whatnot, but eventually, they found the other couple. "oh hey guys! look Jake, Michael and Jeremy are here!" Rich walked over with Jake by his side, both looking extremely happy. Michael waved at them, feeling extremely relieved to have found them. "hey guys!" Jeremy grinned. "hey, are you guys having a good time?" Rich nearly jumped up into the air. "hell yeah we are! they've got punch and cookies, and we've been dancing almost the whole time!" he looked up at Jake, who leaned down and gave him a little kiss on the top of his head.  "you guys are so gay!" Jeremy laughed. "says you! you two are literally holding hands right now!" Michael's face turned the same shade of red as his tux, which made Jeremy laugh even harder. "come on, let's go get something to eat!"

   they made their way to the table full of food and refreshments. Michael got them both drinks while Jeremy got them both food and Rich and Jake waited next to the table as they had already eaten. they met up again and sat down at a table to eat. "you got my favorite, chocolate chip cookies! thanks Jeremy!" Jeremy gave Michael a little kiss. "anytime." they finished their food and drinks and Jeremy took Michael's hand and led him onto the dance floor. "hey, Whitney is on!" sure enough, Whitney Houston's I Wanna Dance Somebody was playing. Jeremy let go of Michael's hand and began to dance. 

"oh, i want to dance with somebody!

i wanna feel the heat with somebody!

yeah, i wanna dance with somebody!

with somebody who loves me!"

   Michael laughed. "you look like a dork!" Jeremy smirked. "well, why don't you come be a dork with me?" 'oh no.' Michael started to panic. he couldn't dance! he couldn't embarrass himself in front of the whole school! his breathing became faster and shorter and Jeremy stopped dancing to put his arms around Michael. "hey look at me. put your hand in my chest and focus on my breathing. try to match the pattern of my breathing. ready? in... out... in..." this went on for a couple of minutes and Michael calmed down and his breathing became normal. "sorry for trying to get you to dance, i know you don't like doing anything like that in front of anyone else besides me, so i'll try to keep it slow from now on, ok?" Michael nodded. "yeah. ok. sorry, i didn't mean to stop you from having fun, i just—" Jeremy cut him off "hey, don't worry about it, i care about you more than anything else. after all, you are my favorite person." the song changed, and a slow song was playing. Jeremy took Michael's hand and kneeled down to kiss it. "would you care for a dance, good sir?" Michael's face lit up. "why yes, thank you for offering, i would gladly dance with you!" 

   Jeremy stood up, put his right hand on Michael's hip and held Michael's right hand with his left. Michael put his left hand on Jeremy's shoulder and they began to dance.

"give me a kiss to build a dream on

and my imagination will thrive upon that kiss

sweetheart, i ask no more than this

A kiss to build a dream on

give me a kiss before you leave me

and my imagination will feed my hungry heart

leave me one thing before we part

a kiss to build a dream on

when i'm alone with my fancies, i'll

be with you

weaving romances, making believe they're true

give me your lips for just a moment

and my imagination will make that moment live

give me what you alone can give

a kiss to build a dream on!

when i'm alone with my fancies, i'll be with you

weaving romances, making believe they're true

oh, give me your lips for just a moment

And my imagination will make that moment live

oh, give me what you alone can give

a kiss to build a dream on!"

   Jeremy leaned foward and kissed Michael. it surprised Michael, but he slowly eased into the kiss, and they continued the kiss for a bit until Jeremy broke it off. "Michael, i love you so much," Jeremy said, his forehead still touching Michael's. "i love you too, Jeremy." for the rest of the night, the two happily danced together, got photos taken, and ate some more. they left before the Crowning Ceremony, but they had a good time in Michael's basement playing video games, cuddling, and eventually falling asleep. it was the most amazing night either of them had ever had.


ok so this is gonna be the last thing i publish before i go away for a week, but i promise i'll update it when i come back! sorry the last one was so short, it was actually one of my first fanfics, so i didn't really do much with it, but this one is much longer, and i hope you enjoy it!

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