The Hospital

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Racing through the corridor, papers flying everywhere, OCs put on stretchers.

It feels lifeless, sterile.

But the first Gary Stu you saw was operated hours ago, and he looks... normal.

"Strange, huh?" A familiar voice chuckles.

You turn to you left, and it's Cyanide.


"Yep. Dr.Cyanide, at your service." He says, looking proud of this seemingly brand new person he operated on.

"Here they are." You murmur, handing him the papers and the person.

"I'll be back, need to run them through the system, and I'll make them wanted OCs."


Welcome to the Hospital.

Here, I may completely revamp or rewrite Mary Sues, rewrite poorly written but otherwise good OCs, and even.....

Make the worst, most notorious OCs wantable again.


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