Star Gazer

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Hello! This is my first Destiel Fic, so I'm sorry if there are any typos or anything of that nature :) **DISCLAIMER- I DO NOT OWN THE CHARACTERS OF SUPERNATURAL** -A


Dean's POV

*ring ring*


"Hello Dean."

"Hey Cas, how are you?"

"Good. I have found a case. A married couple was found in a bar with their throats ripped out, the lock on the door had been picked. It's in a small city called "Dothan" in the state of Alabama."

"Sounds like a vamp. We should head down there and check it out, maybe find the nest. You up for it?"

"Yes. Where's Sam?"

"He's down in Miami, Florida working a possible Werewolf case."

"Ok, well I guess I will meet you in Alabama. How about a motel called "Berry Suites"?"

"Sure thing, I'll meet you there."

[Line Break]

Dean got his stuff and headed out to baby to start his long drive to Dothan. He'll probably be stuck in all night.

The next day, Dean arrives at the motel in Dothan and he stops at the front desk to see if Cas has arrived.

"Hello Dean."

He turns around and all he can see is the beautiful ocean blue pools that are Castiel's eyes.

"Hey, Cas. You heard anything else on the vamps?"

"Nothing yet, but it shouldn't be long. We should head to the room and get some sleep."

At what Cas had just said, the two men walked to their room and began settling in for the night.

"Who's getting the first shower?"

"Angels don't need showers, Dean."

"Oh yeah, sorry."

Dean quickly went in the bathroom and locked the door. He took off his clothes to reveal his erection. He wasn't sure why, but his crush on Cas was so big that Cas wouldn't even need to do anything and dean would be aroused.

At that thought, he got in the shower and began working for release. He took his shaft in his hand and slowly started stroking. All he could think about the entire time was Cas' mouth around his dick doing this for him. He let out an unexpected loud groan as he began stroking himself faster and faster.

Out of no where, Cas flew into the bathroom and yanked the curtains back to reveal dean stroking himself.

"God Dammit Cas!" Dean said as he quickly turned around and hid himself. "Why did you do that?"

"I heard a noise and I thought you were in pain.. Why were you doing that, Dean?" said Cas, while tilting his head unknowingly.

"Cas, can you please turn around and stop looking at me?! Listen, if I am in pain or being attacked in the bathroom, I'll call. But if I don't, just leave me be."

"Oh, sorry Dean. I'll leave now."

Once Cas left, Dean turned back around and finished his shower. His erection had gone soft after that incident. When dean had finished drying off, he brushed his teeth and put his clothes on. When he walked out, he saw Cas staring out the window.

"See anything interesting out there, Cas? hah."

"No Dean, I just enjoy looking out at the stars."

"Alrighty then, I'm going to hit the hay, got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."


I Hope you all liked the fist chapter! the next one should be out July 3rd, 2017.

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