Chapter 1

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Emma had flaming red hair that draped just over her shoulders and eyes of a dark green shade that seemed grey on certain days. They brightened her facial features, which mirrored a changing appearance in her moods, solidifying her beauty. A pair of puffy lips lay just below a petite and delicate set nose. The fairness of her skin shimmered in sunlight. Emma loved to wear dresses; especially the one she had on. With it's hue of sky blue, small black buckle in the front, and stylistic simpleness, it was easily one of her favorites.

Emma shut her locker. And 3...2..... 1. She thought, and glanced up to see the classroom door closest to her swing open. Out walked a couple of students and then... him. David Reynolds. His golden hair flowed around his face perfectly and his physique was enough to make Emma weak in the knees. As David brushed past, his eyes flickered to her just briefly causing her heart to skip a beat. Smiling his signature 'David Smirk', he kept on towards a couple of friends.

"Girl, you need to stop daydreaming about that boy!" Janet, Emma's best friend, creeped up behind her and caused the startled Emma to drop her books. "You have a serious problem."

"Geez, Janet, I told you to stop scaring me!"

Janet laughed. "It's my job, sweetheart." She wrapped her arm around Emma's neck and pulled her closer. "Now, we have another issue."

"And what's that?" said Emma as she pushed Janet's arm away and retrieved her books from the cream colored tile, which contrasted with the filthy atmosphere of the school. Tan colored walls grasped onto old, rusting, navy blue lockers. White artificial light shone down on the students. People meandered to their classes, pushing others in the process. Down the hall, a kid had just been slammed up against the lockers, catching Emma's attention, and a group of girls were giggling a few lockers away. About what, she didn't know, but hopefully they weren't laughing at her.

"David." Janet said. 

"What?" Emma shot up, books in hand. Janet gave off her signature snicker again. It was harsh and clashing, and if she laughed too hard, the sound would resemble that of a hyena cackle. Her short, turquoise hair bobbed up and down in time to her giggles, almost like ripples in a pond. "You need to man up and go talk to him, girl!"

Emma paused for a second. Then, simply, she said "No."

"C'mon, Em!" "Janet protested, following Emma as she proceeded down the hallway towards her History class.

"Janet, there's no way I can talk to a guy like him! What if I go up to him and he thinks I'm weird or doesn't even know who I am! I just don't think I can handle a rejection." Emma sighed and continued walking, occasionally glancing in Janet's direction.

"I just saw him smiling at you!" Janet exclaimed.

"He smiles to everyone." Emma rolled her eyes, ignoring the possibility that David, her lifelong crush, could have actually smiled at her.

"Whatever, girl. I'm going to be late to English." Janet said, stopping mid-stride. "See you at lunch!"

"See you at lunch." Emma waved.

"Oh wait, Em, I have a doctors appointment today; I'm leaving early. Skipping lunch." She shouted from across the hall, clearly not giving a care to anyone listening amongst the sea of students.

"Oh, ok well see you in 5th?"

"You bet, girl."

Waving once more, Emma began a light jog towards her class. Just as she crossed the threshold into the classroom, the warning bell rang. She crossed to her seat in the back of the classroom slightly out of breath and with light thoughts of a smiling and handsome David. 

The Book of Emma BrownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora