Tell Me what?

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Heavens Pov .

Me and Dario have been going dtrong for two whole months. Its amazing how I never saw us as more than friends and now I want to marry him.

My beatings have started back up I guess she was just nice because Onna was here.

I soaked my body in steaming hot water. I shook my head at how I was talking about my mom actually changing.

She has a new man that makes me uncomfortable when im anywhere near him. He stares me up and down and bites his lip.

I finish my bath and get out to put some clothes on. My mom would be gone till late so im having Dario over.

I made sure everything was covered. I heard the doorbell, I answered it to be greeted by my baby.

"Baby heeey! I missed you" I kiss him shutting the door. He looked like he was stressed.

"Hi babe. I missed you too. How are you?" he asked pecking my lips.

"Good. But what's wrong? You look tired" I asked walking up to my bed.

"I was up all night . Dont worry about it. " he says.

"Im your girlfriend im going to worry about it. I love you" I say, he smiles his braces smile.

"I love you too baby" he kisses my cheek.

"Lemme see your arms!" he says,he checks my arms every time we are together.

I roll up my sleeve and show him. I haven't cut myself since weve been dating so the scars are gone.

"Good we're gonna keep it like this right?" he asks moving me on his lap.

"Right! Because I love you so much, Id do anything for you" I say straddling.

"Anything huh?" he smirked. I nodded,"Your not ready, you think you are but your not" he says.

"Dario, im ready because if I don't give you anything your going to cheat, remember I was your best friend before you're girl friend." I tell him.

"Babe you give me happyness that's good enough for me" he smiles. I shrug and hear keys in the door.

"You gotta hide" I say to him. I push him under my bed. Aye its clean don't judge me.

She stormed up the steps, I jumped on my bed and pretended I was asleep. She busted in my room and shook me.

"Yes mama?" hoping she ain't hit me infront of Dario.

"You start work tomorrow, so get all the sleep you can, hi Dario" she tells me. I shake my head.

"Yes ma'am" I say annd she shuts my door.

He comes from under the bed. I just lay there."Are you leaving" I ask him.

"Yeah, you want to come?" he asks.

I grab my shoes and phone and go with him.

Asiahs Pov.

"Asiah, we don't like how your spending to much time with this boy" they say , I seceretly roll my eyes.

"Why do y'all say that he's good to me and I think I love him" I say to my self.

"You don't know what love is!" he says to me.

"Then explain it. Exactly you can't so can I just go now please?" I ask them.

"We found this in your room. What have you been doing while we've been gone?" they ask while holding up a condom wrapper.

"Atleast I protected my self" I sigh.

My BestFriend DarioWhere stories live. Discover now